The Redhead

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It had only been a week since the festival now, but each day felt like an eternity for Zayn.

His days used to build up to seeing Harry, now they seemed so dull.

He felt lost.

"Zayn?" Alex frowned when she opened her door and he was standing there.

"Hey, look I'm sorry I just need someone to talk to. minded." He sighed.

"You've come to the right place. But no making out again, got it?" She teased.

"That's what I'm here to talk about." Zayn said.

"You're not pregnant are you?" Alex asked.

Zayn gave her a look.

"I don't know if it was obvious to you or not but Harry and I kind of had a thing."

"But he saw me kissing you and now he won't talk to me."

"Did you tell him it didn't mean anything?" Alex asked, closing the door behind him.

"Not exactly." Zayn said quietly.

"Well you should have." Alex frowned at him.

"Why didn't you?"

"Does that really matter?" Zayn snapped. "Tell me how to get Harry to forgive me."

"Well," She sighed, thinking. "How badly do you want him back, exactly?"

"I'd give a limb." Zayn said.

"Okay, so a big gesture. I like it." She nodded, still thinking.

"What's something he really likes?"

Zayn thought for a bit, not wanting to say dresses and makeup, even though that was true.

It was Harry's business, and Zayn knew he'd be furious if Alex found out.

"Music." Zayn said.

"I'd say get him concert tickets but you might've ruined concerts for him." Alex said, not helping at all.

"Look, let's start small instead." Zayn decided.

"A card."

"Too small." Zayn shook his head.

"A muffin basket."

"Maybe." Zayn said quietly.

"What about a letter and flowers?" He asked.

"Personally I'd rather have food than flowers but, you know Harry better than me." Alex shrugged.

Zayn sighed, feeling almost hopeless.

He glanced at the clock, realizing he needed to get to his and Harry's astronomy class.

"Thanks for listening, I have to get to class." Zayn said, leaving.

Alex barely nodded in response, deep in thought.

Zayn was a few minutes late to class, but luckily it still hadn't started when he got there.

As if the universe was on his side, one of the only seats left was next to Harry.

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