"That's illegal, you know."

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"Have fun?" Zayn asked as Harry got into the car.

"Fun?" Harry repeated, debating in his head for a second.

"No." He answered truthfully.

"Why not?" Zayn asked, looking at him.

"Well, being with Nicole was fine. She seems excited to meet Niall. Evan was trying to blame me for Charlie being hurt." Harry said.

"What happened to him? Why is he hurt?" Zayn frowned.

"No, emotionally hurt. Apparently...because of us." Harry said, feeling sort of uncomfortable.

Though he felt like he needed to tell Zayn, not to mention he wanted to.

Zayn was his favorite person to vent to.

"Oh. Well that's dumb." He said.

"Nicole and I both agree with you." Harry sighed.

"So what did he say to you?" Zayn asked.

"He was trying to make me feel bad and saying I hurt his brother. He told me all Charlie does is mope around now. He was just...unbelievably rude." Harry said.

"Trying to make you feel bad by saying you hurt Charlie?" Zayn asked, wanting to make sure Evan hadn't said anything rude directly about Harry.

Harry nodded.

"Well, it's agreed that the whole thing is dumb right?" Zayn asked, looking over Harry's face.

"Yeah." Harry answered quietly.

"I feel like it's still bothering you." Zayn said.

"I just didn't expect that from Evan. I was just beginning to get everything with Charlie settled in my mind and now it doesn't feel right again. He acted like I put Charlie into some kind of depression, and I...really don't want to believe him." Harry explained.

"Why would you believe him?" Zayn scoffed. "He's obviously just being a prick."

"Because he never seemed like the type to say anything like he did. Charlie seems fine but now I'm wondering if it really was as bad as Evan said."

"If what was?" Zayn asked, finally backing the car out of the space in front of the restaurant.

"Charlie's moping. His feelings for me."

"Well...that doesn't matter though. Right?" Zayn shrugged.

"I don't want to hurt anyone, Zayn." Harry said, feeling stressed. "It doesn't really matter and I know Evan was probably exaggerating but at the same time I feel like he was telling the truth, and now it's all I can think about. I wish it wasn't."

"This is what he wanted. For you to be like this over his words. Forget them, and forget him." Zayn said.

"To be like what over his words?" Harry asked, looking at him.

"Upset." Zayn replied.

Harry was quiet for a bit. "Yeah, I guess."

"Wait, are we going to your place?" Harry asked when he realized where they were.

"Yeah, Liam told me he would be with Louis at your house rather than ours tonight. I figured an apartment to ourselves could be fun." Zayn said.

"We could pretend like we live there together." Harry smiled.

Zayn glanced over at him. "How exactly will we do that?" He smiled.

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