"It's Zayn, babe."

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Regardless of how fast things seemed to be going, they all slowed down once Harry and Zayn got into bed together.

Harry was taking in every detail, feeling overwhelmed.

Every inch of Zayn's skin was so smooth, and Harry couldn't get enough of how it felt against his own.

The kisses they shared now were tender, and long.

"Would it be wrong if I said I loved you now more than ever?" Zayn asked softly, both hands in Harry's curls, playing with them.

Harry looked over his face because of how close it was, feeling overwhelmed all over again.

"No, I don't think so." He replied, trying not to smile as Zayn kissed him again.

With each kiss Zayn became more aggressive, moving completely on top of Harry now.

His hands were on the move, touching the perfect spots to give Harry goosebumps.

"You're sure about this?" Zayn breathed into Harry's ear, licking beneath his lobe.

Harry pulled Zayn closer, biting his lip a moment.

"Y-Yeah." He eventually answered, squirming because of Zayn's tongue.

Zayn kissed his lips next, pausing afterward.

"What is it?" Harry swallowed, able to feel how ready Zayn was.

"Um, see when I came over all I brought was my sketchbook." Zayn said.

Harry blinked, gasping as the idea popped into his head. "You want to draw me naked?"

"Like one of your French girls?" He asked softly, giving Zayn a flirty look.

"No, I meant that's all I brought with me. I didn't bring a condom." Zayn clarified.

"Oh." Harry blushed.

"I do want to draw you though. I know I can do it better than Charlie." Zayn smirked.

Harry paused, looking briefly terrified before he sighed.

"What was that?" Zayn chuckled.

"I thought I had to work today, but I remembered I'm off." Harry said.

"Even if you weren't I wouldn't let you leave." Zayn said, kissing him again.

"I know there has to be a condom somewhere in this house." Harry said when the kiss ended and Zayn started kissing his neck again.

"Go find it." Zayn said, making no effort to let him up.

Harry rolled his eyes. "You're the boyfriend. This is your responsibility."

Zayn laughed, looking down at him. "You're the boyfriend too."

"But you're more masculine than me therefore you bring the condoms." Harry argued, looking at Zayn's chest tattoos.

"You don't know that I'm more masculine than you." Zayn said quietly, watching him.

"Yes, I do." Harry chuckled.

Zayn frowned, almost wanting to prove him wrong.

But he was right.

"Whatever." Zayn mumbled, kissing him firmly before getting off of him.

Harry rushed through Louis' room first, checking his nightstand.


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