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Harry woke up the next morning feeling like he'd been beaten in the head with a shovel.

He managed to drag himself to the bathroom for a shower, taking a couple pain relievers and fixing himself a bowl of cereal after.

He was sitting at the table staring down into his cereal and stirring it when Louis came shuffling in.

"Good morning." He smiled with a stretch.

Harry looked at him, wondering why he seemed so cheerful.

"Wow, you look rough. Wild night?" Louis chuckled, pouring himself some orange juice and sitting across from Harry.

"Yeah I guess you could say that." Harry answered quietly.

"I had one too." Louis grinned.

"Oh. That's why you're so cheerful." Harry said with the slightest smile.

"Mhmm." Louis nodded. "He's still sleeping. I was thinking of making him breakfast but...I never do that for anyone. That's not me and I want to be myself around him."

"Of course." Harry said, internally chuckling at just how lazy Louis was.

"Oh, and guess what else?" Louis asked, lowering his voice.

Harry looked at him.

"Niall had someone over last night."

"So? Doesn't he always?" Harry asked.

"Well he hasn't been lately. This was the first time in a while." Louis said.

"They both came back here last night giggling like crazy. Then they went in his room and got quiet for a bit, then...they got kind of loud again." Louis chuckled

"I'm familiar with the process." Harry said flatly.

"Did someone piss in that?" Louis asked, nodding at his cereal.

"I'm just really hungover." Harry partially lied.

"Well Tim and I are going out today and I'm sure after Niall's...fling leaves he'll venture out somewhere too so....you should have plenty of quiet to rest up." Louis said.

"Thanks for the forecast." Harry said, smiling a little to show he was joking.

"Sure thing." Louis nodded.

Harry could hear his phone ringing from his bedroom, getting up to go get it thinking it might be Zayn.

As he turned to go down the hallway, he saw Niall's bedroom door slowly opening.

Harry slowed down, wondering if Niall's fling was about to make her escape.

He was almost to his bedroom when she finally stepped out, stopping and looking at him like a deer in the headlights.

It was Kaylee.

The two just stared at each other for a moment before Kaylee looked away, walking past him like he wasn't there.

Harry shook his head in disgust and disbelief, going to get his phone.


"Hey, you're alive." Nicole said with a little laugh.

"Barely." Harry sighed, sitting on his bed.

"Tell me everything. How'd the outfit turn out?" She asked.

"It was perfect. I felt...amazing." Harry said sadly.

"Are you sure?" Nicole asked, confused by his tone.

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