After getting married,after the rift she caused between him and his family,she maltreated her step sister who was born at her mother's second home. Rukayya was mistreated mercilessly by her until when she connived with the neighbor's in the area who helped her to escape back to Nassarawa state where she was living with her mother now because her mother was divorced from the second house and is now married to another man.

Even though Ummu Maryam knew all these about her,some told by her and some by people who knew her so very much. She never disliked her because she believed anyone who grew up in such a condition will do more than that but also she came to understand that betrayal Lives in Ummu Sulaim. It is a very big pillar surrounding her conscience,it penetrated into her heart, it has already settled in the deepest core of the soft flesh which if it is pure, the body gets cleansed along with it and if it rots,the body rots along with it..

Abu Maryam travelled back to work and she's now lonely at home as all the children went to school. Fahma and Amrah for exams while Adnan and the rest were to start theirs in two weeks time. Fahma has only two papers left while Amrah has four.

Fahma was very tired after the exams,so she didn't come out from her room since when she came back home. After Asr prayer,she entered the bathroom to take a cold bath and before undressing she heard Adnan's sobs,she immediately exited the bathroom and made her way to where she heard his voice. She saw him in tears holding the back of his head. Ummu Maryam rushed out too asking of  what happened and he told them that Aslam hit him on the head with a stone and when they checked his head,he was bleeding. There and then Fahma's eyes turned red,her brain registered what only she alone knows and without bothering to pick a veil she walked out of their house barefooted.

Banging the door open, she entered Ummu Sulaim's house,her blood boiling in rage. But when she tried opening their doors, they were all locked. She shouted at the top of her voice her lungs fidgeting from the effect.

"Ummu,why you of all people? I know you're fully aware of what your son did now but please don't let that happen again" she stated with folded palms"I know you're in there. Not opening the door will not solve anything but please warn those kids to stay away from us. Please"she added with tears in her eyes.

Sulaim who was inside too opened the window of their sitting room and threw a stone at her but she dodged on time,her mother came into the house and tried to take her back home but she was too angry to listen to anyone and she dragged the net attached to the window. Their neighbors came in and tried consoling her while others were there to feed their eyes and to their surprise she ripped the net off the wall. They all stood mouth agape while they heard Ummu Sulaim raining curses on her from inside.

"You're a mad girl,you don't respect your mother how do I expect you to respect me. I'll make you pay,you still don't know me" hearing that made Fahma more tensed and she started dragging the burglary proof of the window. By all means,she wanted to jump through the window and when one woman tried holding her back,she pushed her because she was fully aware that she is her ally. She replied Ummu Sulaim back before going out of the house.

"This madness is for the respect I have for my mother. You don't know who a mother is,you never had the love of one,how will you value one. I am sorry to say but you are nothing but a badluck to people".

She tied the scarf on her head tightly on her way back with her mother by her side and she spotted Amrah in the midst of the girls who are their neighbors to the left. It seemed like there was a commotion, so she lifted her gown and ran to them while her mother followed behind calling her back.

" Fahm,they slapped me just because they insulted mother and father and I defended"Amrah complained with no tears.

"What did they say?" Fahma asked with a straight face and hands akimbo.

"That father is a womanizer and mother a prostitute" immediately she knew they had something to do with Ummu Sulaim.

"Is that true" Fahma asked with  furrowed brows but they didn't say a word and gave her a daring look. Two of them were older than Fahma and one amongst is bigger than her while the rest of the two were her mates. She heard her mother say if they don't deal with them then they'll have to face her and they immediately swing to action.

"Slap them on both cheeks each" Fahma instructed Amrah and the girls laughed. Before they knew it,she slapped their elder sister on both before giving them theirs and from then Fahma pushed the biggest one to the floor as she was their only support. Fahma dealt with her before pushing her into the culvert at their frontage,Amrah did the same with those who tried attacking her sister and Fahma joined her to finish the task.

When they finished, they smiled at their mother and she gave them a thumbs up while the neighbors started saying they were wrong, they shouldn't have done that."the deed has been done" Amrah whispered to them before going inside their house. The girls started a small display of being possessed by Jinns but when they heard that Fahma was coming out again they all pretended it didn't happen.

Fahma phoned her father and told him about all she did and accepted her faults and also apologized for breaking her promise. All this while they didn't notice that Adnan was missing until when their mother informed them that the chairman of the community took him for treatment and that the community head was coming to sort issues out. Everyone was surprised to hear that the head who never followed anyone home for any reason but is being followed was coming to their street for this reason and that Abu Maryam was the one who summoned him.

When the community head came Fahma still didn't get to bath,she was the last to appear and his guard tried insulting her but the look she gave him shut him up.

"I never knew that I had hoodlums in my community and as a matter of fact ladies. Most especially in Alhaji Ali Mamman's house. A man who never allowed indiscipline. That's why I want to know what pushed them into losing their patience because everyone has testified that they don't even look at people they don't know arrogantly so tell me what happened" the community head spoke. Before they spoke the other parties started narrating both the truth and lie. What surprised Fahma was that Abu Sulaim was a hypocrite too and that those girls are Ummu Sulaim's ally,for that she accepted all they said both what was true and false. When Amrah tried denying, she barked at her and that proved to everyone that they were well disciplined because none of her siblings spoke when she instructed them not to.

Their mother spoke without anyone of them interfering while the opposing side kept denying everything and implicated themselves. In the end they were asked never to cross any of Fahma's family members paths and to apologize to them while Fahma was asked to apologize to Ummu Sulaim for barging into her house and so she did. Before the community head left he lightened up the mood by saying..

"I think I'm going to recruit new soldiers in my community soon". They laughed at his statement while Ummu Sulaim and the rest said " It has just began" glaring at them. They entered their various homes after Isha' prayer.

Fahma and her siblings kept narrating the missing episodes to each other before they went to bed and their mother blessed them all even though her conscience was disturbing her. Their father was happy too but he wanted them to be flogged so bullying doesn't become their attitude but the community head explained why he didn't do so to him over the phone.

Whoa!!! This chapter is really very long. Not bad I haven't updated a lot this days.

Punching number one down!!!!👊👊👊👊.. Where are the Nigerians??

I know most of you must have heard of the Punch newspapers.. Their news are dropped as a Punch Wollah😂😂😂. That was what happened..

Fahma great puncher well done👍👍👍.. You made momma proud.

I know many will wonder why a mother was happy after such an action from her children but they're conditions that being good never helps. Limits need to be set not because we want to be violent but because we deserve some respect..
Zina is a very great sin and being described as one who does that breaks the heart and snatches away s persons dignity💔💔.


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