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"Worth the wait"


Fahma is rounding up her exams in a weeks time and Zee's wedding is going to be two days after her exams. She has insisted that Fahma will be the chief bride's maid even though Fahma tried suggesting other people,but what could she do.

"Fahm please just for today,I promise that i'm not going to persuade you about anything again". Zee pleaded

" No Zee,you know i'm having two exams to write next tomorrow, maybe some other time".Fahma declined..

"What other time again?that has been your anthem for long,please,it's already a week to the wedding and I want you both to meet before the wedding... Please".She pleaded again

" But it's already late,I can't go out by this time,after"Fahma said looking at the wall clock.

"OK no problem,take care"Zee said and left the room without waiting to hear what Fahma had to say.

Fahma stared at her as she left before she mumbled to herself.." doesn't she know that i'm the shy type, what do I say to him when I get there"... Pouting her lips before continuing what she was doing..

After some few minutes Zee and Ummu Maryam came inside the room and before they could say anything Fahma said.."oh!!you're back" not noticing her mother's presence... "Yes she is" Ummu Maryam said..

"Habibty please go with her,just for a little while,you're not going anywhere far he is outside by the gate. So please for me" Ummu Maryam pleaded..

"Oh! No mum,I'm going right away,you don't have to plead it's embarrassing".Fahma said childishly rushing to pick a veil.

Zee reported her to her mother because she wanted the only person that she can confide in amongst her friends to be the first to meet her husband to be and it worked out even though convincing Ummu Maryam wasn't easy too.

" like mother like daughter..I fancy their bond".Zee mentally thought.

Fahma only gave Zee a brief look when they were going out and Zee also didn't bother to say anything..

"This girl wants to embarrass me today". Fahma thought.

" She's so boring, doesn't even have fun like girls do".Zee thought also rolling her eyes.

On reaching where he parked his car,they found him leaning on the car staring attentively at his phone.

"Assalamu Alaikum" they both chorused.

"Wa Alaikumussalaam" He answered before putting the phone back into his pocket.

"I'm sorry we stayed too long in there,it was all this little fairies fault"Zee apologised looking at Fahma.

"Hhh...fairies don't make mistakes,they're too precious to do so" he laughed looking towards Fahma.

"Good evening fairy" he said to Fahma teasingly.

"Evening" she blushed.

"How's school,exams,parents and your friend?" he asked.

"All fine and as for my friend,she's already standing here fit and hearty" Fahma replied.

"Hhh see you" Zee smiled.

"MashaaAllah,finally I met the hidden fairy and Alhamdulillah for having you as my princess's friend... Jazakillahu Khairan,she has told me a lot about you" he said looking at her.

"But have we met before? Your face looks familiar" he asked.

"I? No I don't think so" she said shaking her head.

"Malik I don't think you've met maybe you just heard a lot about her from me that you started imagining her face" Zee said smiling.

"No I've seen her of recent, somewhere" he said trying to remember..

"OK maybe you saw me at school because that's the only place I've been to these days" she said before she turned around to look at Zee.

"Yes maybe" Zee said with a nod.

"Yes,I saw your picture online, few minutes ago I think" he said as he remembered.

"Online? Where?" She asked looking confused.

"Yes on your page,Instagram..Errmm...fahm-adyy..right? He asked in a stammer

" yes you're right " Zee said.

"Yes" Fahma added.

"Malik are you also a fan?" Zee asked.

"Yes maybe her biggest fan,I never thought she was this young because her posts reflect the world,it digs and heals the pain a person is passing through and her specification towards some things feels like she has peeped into a persons heart and mind before settling for it,what a person is going through seems to look like she has once went through the same.. Wallahi I never knew she was this young but I've always been looking forward to meeting her"... He said

" So you had plans of dating her and I never knew right?" Zee accused..

"Wha!?" Fahma exclaimed,she was shocked...

"No I didn't say so,didn't you hear me say that I never knew that she was a young lady" he clarified..

"Ohhh!! I was just joking dear" Zee affirmed..

They all took a while before believing that it was just a prank...

"I just finished reading the post you updated this evening" he said

"Oh so you updated your post without letting me know, is it because I care?" Zee angrily asked.

"Oh sorry,I wanted to but you didn't give me a breathing space when we met" Fahma said honestly..

"But I didn't really get what the end meant,please explain more" he humbly asked.

"OK I'll later,I've seen many questions already" Fahma said.

"Please why not update daily" he suggested..

"No I don't have that time now,i'm currently writing exams and after that your duty is next" she teased looking at Zee...

Zee blushed at her words and Fahma excused them and went inside the house leaving only Zee and Him behind.. They discussed about the arrangements for some minutes before he left.. Zee went to Fahma to give the gifts he brought for her before she went back home...

After Zee went home,she quickly logged into her IG account to view Fahm's update and after reading it for the third time she read aloud like it were the only solution to understanding it;

"I tend to jumble on the right answer to give when being asked about my love relationship, some think theirs is cool and hot at the same time but I tend to reflect on my essence in this ephemera place "dunya"...when I approach something first I lead the way and when I don't,I think everyone knows my stance...I don't think my love life is only limited to a girlfriend-boyfriend relationship.. Family, friends and even you are involved... May Allah fill our hearts with love for his sake.. Ameen..#luvbites💖💖..fahm-adyy💞💞.....".

" What does this silly girl mean " she screamed out. Suddenly, Malik's call came in,so she picked the phone,after speaking and a little deliberation on what Fahma really meant for a while,they hung up and retired to bed....

What does she mean?
Could Fahma be in.....?
Hmm hmm chapter loading......😘😘😘😘😘

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