Chapter 19

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Addie's POV

The weeks after Andy and Ant got out of hospital flew by and all too soon it came time for Anthony to go in the jungle. We didn't think they would allow it after the accident but they did which is what Ant wanted.

The day he left I was in tears as I was going to miss him; he has been my rock the past couple of weeks what with all my treatments for this cancer. I have been sick all through them and he was there for me. OK Andy and Tim were too but Ant was mostly so many nights he sat up with me when I was sick. He shaved my hair when it started to fall out and he shaved his too so I wasn't alone. Tim flew over with him and its only Andy and I at home for the time being. I know Ant was trying to hold back his tears as he was going to drop out because I got sick but I wouldn't let him do it. I know it's what he has always wanted to do so why should I let him drop out for me as he would only resent me later on.

After they got out of hospital and rested for a few days we ended up going to get a new car for Andy and Ant got one too. It took them a while to pick what they wanted but they eventually did.

Tim was gone for a week and I missed him so much and I miss Ant as well. I actually can't wait to watch it on TV and see Ant. I really hope he wins but we will be proud of him either way.

Tim comes back tomorrow so Andy and I are having a night out tonight before he comes back as I will have to go back to my treatment. They will be doing the day after tomorrow to see if it has spread or not. I am currently trying to find something nice to wear but I can't find anything until a knock on my bedroom door interrupts me and when I went to answer it I find Andy standing there with a bag in his hand. He says "here you are baby girl this is for you". I open the bag and find the prettiest black strapless dress that I have ever seen. It has sequins as well all over the breast area. It's not that long either it's about knee length. I hug him and close the door to finish getting ready.

After I put it on I walk downstairs and here Andy is with Ant's device taking photos of me. I send him a glare and he says "you look beautiful Ant and Tim are going to be kicking themselves for missing this". I walk down and he holds his hand out to me to take. We walk out to the car and he takes me to this very posh restaurant that I have never seen before.

When we pull up a guy takes the keys from Andy after we are out of the car and we walk in. We are seated straight away on this balcony overlooking a man made lake. During the meal we just talk until we get the desert and Andy says to me "I have a question to ask you". I nod my head and Andy stands up and takes my hand and kneels down in front of me. I can feel tears come to my eyes. He looks at me and he says "so my beautiful princess you know how much I love you and I cannot see anybody else in my life apart from you. We have been through so much together. You have saved me on many occasions while I was on tour from boredom. I would hear your voice or see your beautiful face and I was fine gain and I knew I could get through anything with you in my life. I was so proud of you when you adapted to life with Tim and Anthony whom you love so much I can tell. So my beautiful princess will you do the honor of becoming my wife". I can feel the tears pour down my cheeks and I nod my head and mumble yes. Andy gets up and puts this magnificent diamond and sapphire engagement ring on my finger. I launch myself into his arms and can't help but cry on his shoulder. I mumble I love you so much.

After a while I pull away and say "I need to call Tim". He nods his head and he says "they knew I was going to do it today. So Tim will be expecting your call". We have desert and I call Tim as soon as we are in the car.

When I spoke to Tim he said "I'm so proud of you baby girl you have come a long way. From when Ant and I first met you to now. You were a shy girl back then and look at you now. An engaged woman. We are so proud of you and I know Ant agrees with this when I say congratulations".

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