Untitled Part 18

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Anthony's POV

After having a bad night's sleep because I didn't have my husband next to me the fucking nurses are not letting me get up to get a proper coffee I have to drink the instant crap where you can't literally taste the coffee and they won't let me get my phone so I can call Tim to bring me a decent coffee. Like fuck my life. I am seething at them until one with fiery red hair walks in and says "now Mr Callea what's wrong with you this morning"? I look at her and I can see she is a nice person and I say "I really need a decent coffee not this hospital crap and they won't let me get up and buy one or ring my husband to ask him to bring me a decent one". She looks at me and laughs and says "OK how about I get your phone and you can call your husband to bring you a decent one in for you"? I nod my head and say "that would be great thank you". She walks over to the bedside drawer and opens it and hands me my phone. I unlock it and ring Tim. He answers straight away and he says "hey sexy are you ok"? I laugh and say "yeah I am gorgeous but I need a decent coffee. Can you please bring me and Andy a decent coffee when you come in"? I hear him laugh but it's not into the phone and when I look up he is standing in the doorway with a tray of coffees in his hand. I hold out my good hand and make grabby hands at him and he laughs again.

I take a sip of my coffee and I hear a squeal and nearly spit it over Tim but I don't. I look up and see my baby girl hugging the nice nurse that let me ring Tim. I look at Addie and I say "baby girl do you know this nurse"? Addie breaks apart the hug and she has the biggest grin on her face when she looks at me and she says "yeah I do her and my mum were very good friends and worked together when my mum was alive and I haven't seen her in about 2 years". I smile at how happy she is and she brings the nurse over and she says "dad this is Kate her and mum were good friends". Kate shakes my hand and I say "sorry about before and thank you so much for grabbing my phone and making my baby girl happy again. I would like you to meet my husband Tim Campbell and the one in the next bed making eyes at my daughter is her boyfriend Andy Black". I shake her hand and then she shakes Tim's who has taken a seat next to me on the bed and pulled me into his side. She walks over to Andy's bed and shakes his hand and she says to him you hurt this girl, not only will you have her father's after you but me as well. She is like a daughter to me as I was very close to her as well. Andy looks at her then at Addie and says there is no way in hell that I will be hurting this girl I love her too much. Addie sits on his bed and he pulls her down so she is lying down.

Addie's POV

I laugh when just as we get to Ant and Andy's room Tim's phone rings and I know that it's Ant as it's his ring tone. Tim picks it up and he says Hey sexy are you OK"? I nearly gag when he says that but I hold it in as it's cute when they are so lovely dovey together. I hear Ant from inside the room and then Tim laughs and Ant looks up and makes grabby hands at Tim for the coffee. I am now by this stage a laughing mess as Tim was right that Ant would be savage without a decent coffee and I am lucky I told Tim to get a triple shot but then my eyes wander over to the nurse and she looks familiar then it dawns on me who it is. I squeal and jump into her arms. It's my mom's friend from when she was still alive. I haven't seen her in about 2 years as we lost touch when she left where her and my mum worked together.

Ant's voice breaks me out of the hug and he says "do you know this nurse baby girl"? I nod my head and tell him who it is.

She walks over and threatens Andy and he says there is no way that I will hurt her I love her too much. I sit beside him and he pulls me down next to him then we help him sit up so he can drink his coffee.

Kate looks at me when we did that and she says "Addie why did you call Anthony Dad"? I look at her and I feel Andy's arms tighten around me and I say "they died in a car accident about a year and a half ago now. My boyfriend at the time dumped me in a refuge a few weeks after their funeral. Then he dumped me himself not long after that.

I met Anthony one day when I was having a panic attack in a cafe. He helped me through it until we could get Andy on the phone who was touring at the time and we just got to know each other than Anthony and Tim asked if they could adopt me and Andy said yes because he put himself down as my contact person for the refuge after we started going out. Mum and Dad bought me tickets to see Andy live in concert and we met when I was crying and Andy saw me. We just hit it off after that and he wanted to look after me so they spoke to Andy and he said yes. I'm so lucky that I have 2 loving fathers and a loving boyfriend to look after me. I don't know why but I felt really comfortable around Andy and I told him everything.

Andy looks at Kate then says I felt so sorry for her but then I fell so in love with her that i had to ask her to be my girlfriend before I continued my tour. I'm so lucky to be living here with them all.

Kate then says "it's so good to see you again Addie but I need to get going and do some work. I'm hoping to see you around again. Maybe I can grab your number and we can catch up for a coffee"? I nod my head and she pulls out a pen and a pad and hands it to me. I write my number down on it and give it back to her. She hugs me one time and walks out the door. She turns back and says "also thank you Anthony and Tim for looking after her. If I had of known then she could have stayed with me. I'm also so sorry Addie to hear about their death". I nod my head and Tim says "it's our pleasure to look after her she is a beautiful girl and deserves only good things in life. Not the shit her ex-boyfriend dished out to her".

As she walks out I can't wipe the smile off of my face as it was good to see her again. Andy pulls me further into his arms and he whispers in my ear "are OK my beautiful girl"? I nod my head and he wipes the tears that were in my eyes. He then says "we are here for you my beautiful buttercup".

Tim says to me "are you OK baby girl? I know it would have been heartbreaking bringing up your parents death but remember we all love you so much and we are here for you". I nod my head at him and snuggle into Andy again. I need him right now. He is my rock.

We just lie there snuggled up to each other until I feel Andy move a bit and he groans in pain. I jump straight out of his arms and say "I'm sorry I forgot you were hurt". He grabs my hand and he says its OK my buttercup. I sit back on his bed a bit until Ant starts to grumble that he needs another coffee. I laugh but stop when Tim says "babe just wait and we will get you another one when I get your lunch". The look Tim gets from Ant as he says that was deadly. If looks could kill Tim would be dead right know and that starts me laughing again. Tim hold up his hands and says "OK I will go now don't get your nickers in a twist" which cracks us all up until Ant says "what if I'm not wearing any"? I groan as a mental image comes into my head and I fake gag at him. That cracks Ant up and he says "you OK baby girl"? I glare at him and say "yeah thanks for the mental image I didn't need in my head". Tim laughs and says "baby girl I know he is only joking. He will not wear no underwear in a hospital I know him all too well". Ant gives him that look again then growls. I get up and say "OK dad we better get them their coffee before he chews your arm off". Tim laughs and nods his head and say to Ant "OK babe we are going to get your coffee and your lunch. We will be back soon".

When we get back from getting their coffee Ant was sitting up and in bed and so was Andy, I run up to Andy and give him a hug. Tim says "what's going on babe". Ant looks up and says "we have been given the all clear to go home but we need to rest up". I jump up and hug Ant and say "thank god your coming home I have missed you both".


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