Chapter 17

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The next day dawns and I slowly make my way down the stairs to make a coffee and I see all the others sitting at the table drinking a coffee all ready. I walk into the kitchen and Andy sees me and he motions for me to sit next to him. I walk over and kiss his lips and say "just let me get a coffee then I will". Andy stands up and he says "please sit I will get your coffee I don't mind making it". I nod my head and Andy says to both Tim and Ant "do you both want another coffee"? Ant jumps up and grabs their cups and says "yeah thanks mate I will help you". As Ant walks past me he bends down to kiss my forehead. I smile at him as he walks over to make the coffee and Tim says to me how did you sleep baby girl? I shrug and say "I slept OK was nice being back in my own bed". Tim says "yeah I second that so missed my bed but I would do it all over again if need be. I will be here for you OK". I nod my head and reach over to grab his hand and squeeze it.

After we have all had our coffees Ant says to Andy are you ready to go car shopping. Andy nods his head and says yeah just let me grab my thing then we can go. He runs upstairs and 5 minutes later he is back again with his phone and wallet. He comes over and leans down and says "I won't be long baby". I nod my head and kiss his lips then part and look at Ant and say "see you when you get back dad". Ant comes over and kisses the top of my head and he says see you when we get back I love you both.

About 5 minutes after they left Tim says to me "come on let's get you comfortable on the lounge". I nod my head and get up to walk to the lounge but all of a sudden I feel queasy and I have to run to the downstairs bathroom and I make it just in time. After I have finished throwing up my coffee I feel Tim's hand on my back and he says "come on baby girl let's get you freshened up and we can watch a movie OK"? I nod my head and he hands me my toothbrush which he must have gotten from the bathroom upstairs. I brushed my teeth and slowly made my way over to the lounge where I lie down like I did yesterday.

I doze off to sleep but all of a sudden I'm startled awake by Tim's phone ringing. I hear him answer it and then I hear him say "Yes that's me what is going on"? I sit upright when I hear him gasp and say "OK we will be right there". I look at Tim and say "dad what's wrong"? As he is pale all of a sudden. He looks at me and says "I don't want to worry you but Anthony and Andy are in hospital after a car accident we need to get to the hospital now".

I go to get up but Tim grabs my hand and he says "come on let's go". I shake my head and say "I need to get changed first". Tim runs upstairs and comes back with fresh clothes for me which I hurriedly put on.

We make it to the hospital and we both run in and Tim yells to the nurse at the desk saying "Anthony Callea and Andy Black's room please". The nurse looks at her computer and says "sorry family only". Tim is seething and was just about to yell at her but I turned to her and said "listen here Anthony Callea is my father and Andy Black is my fiance. This man right here is Anthony's husband so please give me their room number or do I need to find them myself". She nods her head and gives me their room number. We run up to their room and I gasp as I open the door. There lying in bed is my father with a broken arm and my boyfriend with tubes coming from his mouth. I was about to walk in but my legs wouldn't carry me and I nearly fell. If it wasn't for Tim's quick reflexes I would have ended up on the floor. Tim picks me up and carries me into the room and sits me on the chair placed between the 2 beds. I put one hand in Andy's then the other one I put on Ants arm as that is the one he broke. Tim sits on the other side of his bed and puts his arm around him.

Tim looks at Ant and says "babe please tell me what happened". Ant looks at him and he says "this fuckwit went through a red light and hit Andy's side of the car, that's why he is unconscious and with a tube in his mouth. They had to operate and I made them put us in the same room. I didn't think that Addie would like it if we were in separate rooms. I was the lucky one and only got a broken arm but I also have a concussion as well. Poor Andy copped the most of it but they say he should come around very shortly. I'm so sorry guys". As I look up at Ants face I see the tears in his eyes and I can't help the tears that come to mine as well. I sit there crying for a bit until I feel 2 arms around my neck and Tim is lifting me up and sits me on Ants bed and Ant cuddles into me and he says "don't cry baby girl I will be OK and I will make sure that Andy is as well for you. I won't rest either until the fuckwit that hits us is charged. I'm so sorry baby girl I tried to serve but he still hit me". Tim says to him "babe it's not your fault OK please don't blame yourself. I'm sure Addie doesn't blame you either right baby girl"? I looked at Ant and I said "dad I'm not blaming you I'm crying because you got hurt and so did my boyfriend. There is no way I will ever blame you". Just as I say that I hear Andy moan and I jump off the bed and grab Andy's hand and I say "baby it's me please open your eyes for me". I grab his hand and he squeezes it and then open his eyes. He looks around and sees me standing above him. He smiles a bit and I say "welcome back baby thank god you're OK". He squeezes my hand again telling me that he is glad that he is as well.

A little while later the doctor walks in and he see that Andy is awake so he goes and pulls out the tube that was down his throat. I hand him the ice chips that was beside his bed and he slowly sucks on them.

We just sit there for the rest of the day and as night falls Tim stands up and he says to me "come on baby girl we will go and get some dinner then go home and get some sleep". I frown as I don't want to leave their sides but I know I have too as they won't let me stay. They will let Tim but not me as Tim and Ant are married and Andy and I are not we are only boyfriend and girlfriend. So I get up and lean over Andy and kiss his lips and say "I will see you tomorrow I love you please remember that". He nods his head and kisses my lips and says "I love you too my princess and I can't wait to see you tomorrow".

I walk over and kiss Ants head and say "goodnight dad love you". Ant says to me "love you too baby girl and goodnight I will see you both tomorrow". I grab Tim's hand and we walk back to the car, just as I was about to get in the car Tim's says to me "they will be OK baby girl Ant is a fighter and I think Andy is too". I look at him and nod my head and say "yeah I know they are it's just that they are in there and I feel helpless". Tim hugs me and he says "its OK baby girl we will get through this like we do everything that gets thrown at us like this". I nod my head but I still feel helpless as when they get back Tim is going to have to watch me as well as them. I vow to myself that I will help Tim as much as I can if this stupid illness doesn't stop me.

The next morning we get up and Tim says to me "lets coffee before we go to the hospital as I feel Ant is going to be savage if he doesn't get his morning coffee". I laugh and say "yeah I think he will be you might need to make it a triple shot". Tim and I laugh as we walk out the door to the car and it feels good to be laughing. It takes the stress away that we are all under.


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