Chapter 3

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The weeks that followed my birthday which I spent time with Tim and Ant. The 3 of us being our usual stupid selves.

Two weeks after my birthday I decided I want to enroll in a beauty course at the end of the month. I told the 2 idiots what I wanted to do and they encouraged me to go for it.

So the week I was starting Ant came home and said sorry guys but I have to go on tour tomorrow down the east coast of Australia. I really wanted you both to come along but I'm not having Addie miss her first 2 weeks of her course. I will go but I will miss you both so much.

I break down in tears that night thinking that I'm not only losing my adoptive father plus my boyfriend at the same time as I haven't been able to speak to Andy since my birthday. I cuddle into my teddy bear that Andy had sent along with the flowers for my birthday that night and cry myself to sleep once again.

The next morning when I woke up I got ready for Uni and went downstairs to get a coffee where I see Tim sitting there with tears in his eyes nursing a cold coffee just staring into space. I walk over to him and gently tap his shoulder. He looks up and wipes his face and says morning baby girl did you sleep OK. I nod my head and grab his cup to give him another coffee. I leave for Uni and think to myself I need to be strong so I can help Tim.

The week flies by and before I know it it's the last week of Ant being away. He comes home in like 6 days which I'm looking forward to. I go off to Uni like I have done every day for 2 weeks. 

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