Chapter 9

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This Chapter is dedicated to my daughter Total Glambert. Love you

Tim and Ant come back in just as the doctor walks out and he stops them and says "She can go home tomorrow but she still needs to eat as they said she didn't eat her lunch today". They both nod their heads and shake hands with him and say "we will make sure she eats tonight".

Tim hands Andy his coffee and Ant hands me a bag that when I looked it had a double chocolate muffin in it. Then Ant pulls out chocolate milk from his pocket of his jacket and hands it to me as well. I smile and thank them both for thinking of me. We all sit there in silence for a bit until Tim looks at his phone and says "I might go and get some dinner for us as its nearing that time". Ant gets up and says "I will come with you babe as I really need a shower". They walk over to me and kiss my cheek and say "won't be long baby girl and we will bring you back some dinner and fresh clothes for tomorrow". I nod my head and give them a hug each.

While they are gone Andy got up and said "I need to use the bathroom sweetie won't be long OK". I kiss his lips just as he bends down to kiss mine. I'm just sitting there thinking about the past couple of months and what has happened. I'm glad that I am out of the refuge as I wouldn't be here now as they wouldn't have known that I had taken an overdose and not that they would have cared.

A noise at the door of my room brings me out of my thoughts and I see my ex-boyfriend walk in as if he owned the place and I go to scream but he runs over and puts his hand over my mouth so I can't. He looks at me and says "don't make a sound I had to wait until your faggot fathers left before I could slip through the door". I nod my head and just sit there waiting for him to do what he wants to me.

He says to me "when you get out of here you are going to break up with lover boy and your faggot fathers and come back to me. Got it?" I nod my head thinking of a way to get out of this.

Andy's POV

After Tim and Ant leave I really need to use the bathroom so I tell Addy that I will be back and that I have to use the bathroom. She nods her head and we kiss each other and I walk out.

Once I have finished in the bathroom I go to walk back in but I hear this voice say "when you get of here you are going to break up with lover boy and your faggot fathers and come back to me. Got it"? I silently look around the door frame and see a guy with his hand over Addie's mouth so I walk up to the security guard that is sat outside her door trying to protect her great job he did of that and say "who is in the room with my girlfriend and how did he get in"? He shrugs his shoulders and looks in the room and says "that's her ex-boyfriend he must have gone in when I went outside for a smoke". I glare at him and say "you left her unattended while you went outside for a smoke"? He nodded and I say "we need to get him out of there now". He nods his head just as her doctor walks past and I say to him "hey Doc can you help us for a minute, the guy in my girlfriends room is her ex-boyfriend who was abusive to her and I just heard him threaten her is there any way you can get him out of the room please her father's won't be impressed when they find out"? The doctor looks in the room and says "yeah there is I will tell him that we need to run a few more test and he needs to leave but I can't guarantee that he will leave the hospital". I look at the security guard and say "you get him once he comes out and get rid of him she is scared in there I can see it on her face and make sure he never comes back again". The security guard nods his head so we all get the plan in action. The doctor walks in and says "I'm sorry sir but you will have to leave and come back later as I need to run more tests on her before she is allowed home and you can't stay for them it's all private and it will take at least 2 hours or more so I think you need to go home and maybe come back later". The guy looks at the doctor and nods his head and says to Addie "remember what I said I will be waiting don't disappoint me babe". She nods her head and leans down to kiss her but she turns away from him.

Once he walks out the security guard grabs him and walks away towards a police officer that just walked through the door and I hear him say "take this scum bag and lock him up he is threatening patients he has been warned before but he keeps doing it". The officer grabs him and hand cuffs him and leads him outside. I walk straight into Addie's room to her bed and took her into my arms as she breaks down crying. I sooth her and say "its OK sweetie he has gone and will never bother you again I'm here OK and I'm not leaving you OK". She nods her head and just snuggles into me tighter. I just sit there holding her until she stops crying and sobbing.

After she settled down I sit down beside her and pull her into my lap and say "sweetie can you tell me what he did to you please if it's too much to handle you don't have to but I would like to know what he did as I could see you were so scared of him so I need to know eventually OK". She looks up at me and says "he was always telling me what to do and he told me I couldn't see my parents before they were killed then when they died he wasn't going to let me go to the funeral but he changed his mind and we went and he turned to me on the way home and said "I'm glad they are dead now I don't have to worry about you seeing them". After they died I went into a deep dark depression but he got me out of it and not long after that his mother turned around and said she can't live here I can't cope with her mental illness any longer she needs to go so he dumped me in the refuge and a couple of days later he dumped me so I was stuck and couldn't go home as I had no one to go home too. I hadn't seen him since until a couple of days ago when I woke up and he was standing near Tim so I screamed and Tim took him out while Ant calmed me down".

I nod my head and say "you are safe and if you need to go somewhere you will have one of my security team with you at all times if Tim, Ant or myself are not with you OK. I'm doing this to keep you safe, I can't lose you over this or lose you at all". She nods her head and says "OK then I know you all want to keep me safe so I will do whatever you want. I can't lose you either or Tim and Ant, I love you all very much".

We just sit on her bed talking until Tim and Ant come back with dinner. I take one look at Tim's neck and laugh as I know what went on when they were gone and Ant looks rather uncomfortable when he goes to sit down. Addie looks at the pair of them and laughs as well.

Authors Note: Sorry for the late update. I have had writers block on this one. Also if you like this story check my profile for my other 2 stories

AdaptationOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora