Chapter 4

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Adelaine's POV

When I saw the article of Andy with his arm around another girl I was at Uni and a few of the girls who know that I am his girlfriend were laughing at me. I couldn't stand it so I rang Tim to see if I could go home. He said he would come and get me so I told my teacher I was sick and went to the office to wait for him.

About 10 minutes later I heard the door open and he walked in. I saw the look on his face that he was heartbroken because I probably looked awful as I was crying so much ever since I saw it. I stood up and ran into his arms when he opened them for me to hug him and he said its OK baby girl I'm here what's happened. I just showed him my phone as it was still on the article. He looks at it and says its OK baby girl we will get to the bottom of it. He then says come on we will get some lunch then go home. I nod my head and we walk out to his car.

After lunch as we got back in the car I see Tim texting someone and I look at him and he says I was texting Ant I was on Skype to him when you rang he was worried about you. I nod my head and think to myself I'm lucky I have 2 people that care about me at least. When we stop at home and he looks at me and says I will help you out in a minute. I roll my eyes at him as much as to say I'm not an invalid. As you can see I have some sass which probably comes from my love of Adam Lambert and 1D. To be more precise Louis Tomlinson and then again I live with Anthony Callea so there you go.

He opens the door for me and walks in before me as well. Once I step in the door I see Ant sitting on the lounge and I squeal and fly into his arms. He hugs me and spins me around and says I missed you so much baby girl are you OK. I look down at the floor and then next thing I know Tim has his arms around us both and he leads us over to the lounge. He sits down and Ant sits on his lap as usual. I sit beside them and plaster myself to their sides. Ant looks at me and says what happened baby girl. I show him my phone and he reads it through and says there must be a logical reason for this. Ant then says why don't you ring him and ask him. As he says that he swings his legs and puts them on top of mine on the lounge. I look at them and say can I please put it on speaker so you can hear as well. They nod their heads so I dial his number. He doesn't answer but he must walk in from somewhere as when I looked up he was standing in front of me.

I curl into them even more and he looks at me and says babe please I can explain. I scoff at him and say yeah right just admit you have another girlfriend. He looks at me and says babe she is my cousin whom I haven't seen in years please believe me I would never cheat on you. I love you so much and I miss you so much that I have decided that as soon as the tour is over I am buying a house here and moving over here to be with you. As he says that he kneels down in front of me and takes my hand but I pull it back and Ant takes it in his and rubs warm circles on it with his thumb. It calms me down a lot. Ant and Tim both say to me look how about you both sit in here and talk it over and we will go into the office. I was about to say no but I think Tim knew as he said if you need us just yell for us and we will come in OK. I really think you need to sort this out between you 2 without Ant or I here. I nod my head as I know what he said is true if we don't sort it out now we never will.

They get up and walk into the office hand in hand and Andy sits down where Tim was and he gently takes my hand and says "Babe please believe this. There is no way I would ever think about cheating on you let alone cheating on you". I yell at him and say "why haven't you contacted me and you never answer your phone when I call you so what am I supposed to think. I miss you so much but we never talk anymore". He says to me I know and I am really sorry about that but I have been busy and when I get to look at my phone it's too late over here and your either in bed or in class and there is no way I want to disturb you then. I think over what he said and nod my head as I do understand that. I look down again gathering my courage and look back at him and says "it's just that I love you so much I just can't bare to lose you. I can't lose you as well. I lose everyone I love in my life my parents my grandparents and I can't lose you as well". He moves closer to me and puts his arms around me and says "you won't lose me baby I love you too and I am not going anywhere".

I cuddle into those arms that I missed so much for the past 9 months and I just breathe in his scent that I have grown to love. I pull away and say to him "can you believe that we have been going out for 9 months already"? He looks at me and the biggest smile on his face and says "yeah I can and about another 4-6 weeks and I will be back as we finish the tour. I can't wait".

As we were sitting there cuddling each other I saw a flash from the corner of my eye and when I looked over towards the door of the office I see Ant standing there with his device. I look at him and say "you better run as I will get you and when I do you and Tim won't be having sex ever again". He just smirks at me and says baby girl you won't do that to us". I look at him and say "oh yes I will so I don't have to listen to you every night moaning and screaming Tim's name". He turns bright red and turns to walk back into the office. Andy is sitting beside me killing himself laughing and says I think he was just told". I look at him and say you're lucky you don't hear it. I mean like this is every night.

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