Chapter 14

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Anthony's POV

I was still so cranky with Tim after what happened last night with the waitress that I didn't want to speak to him or even be around him. You see I was jealous and I hate getting jealous it's not in my nature to get jealous but ever since I met and married him I get jealous all the time because he is so gorgeous and I'm just ordinary. I know he loves me and I love him but I just can't help it.

So when Addy suggested that we go out I really didn't want to but when we spoke outside and I could see it in her eyes that she blamed herself for it and I hate when she does that. Not long after we adopted her we had a fight and she broke down and told me in confidence that she blames herself when we fight as we wouldn't be stressed if we didn't adopt her but I told her that we don't get as stressed when she is around. She in a way helps us from getting stressed. I agreed to go out with him on the condition that he doesn't flirt with anyone while I am there. I know he wouldn't cheat on me but seeing other people flirting with my husband I get jealous and annoyed.

After we got dressed we walked out to the car and Tim hold the door open for me and once he hops in he says to me "ok babe what do you want to do"? I think for a bit then look at him and say "can we just grab some coffee and some food and go and eat it at a look out. I don't really want to be around to many people today. When we arrived in town yesterday I saw one on the outskirts and I just want to go there and eat our food and have our coffee then maybe we can talk as I don't like fighting with you. He nods his head and starts the car and headed to a café to get our stuff. He pulls up and says "I will go and I won't be long ok". I nod my head and watch him walk inside. I can still see him from here so I just keep watching him. I can't help it I just love him too much to lose him and if I ever did then I know for sure that I would become very depressed again. I was depressed just before I met him and when I met him I felt better. I don't want to feel that way again. I occasionally have breakdowns and he will always be able to calm me down but for some reason last night he couldn't.

When he came back he looked at me and handed me my coffee and he says "baby are you okay why are you crying"? I wiped my eyes and I looked at him and said "sorry didn't realise I was and I was just thinking about how depressed I was when we met and you helped me and last night for some reason you couldn't". He grabbed my hand and said "I'm really sorry babe I wasn't flirting with her. I was just being nice I didn't like the way she was bending over myself but I was being nice". I nod my head and say "can we just go so we can eat and then we can talk as I won't be able to handle this conversation without my coffee please"? Tim squeezes my hand and says "sure we can I was just worried about you".

After we get to the lookout and we have eaten and had our coffee. I hopped out of the car and walked up to the railing on the edge and stood there. We were lucky that there was no one there so we could talk without anyone listening in. I heard Tim get out of the car and he came up behind me and I felt his hands on my hips and he says to me "babe please listen to me. I only love you and only want to be with you. I am gay and I love having you in my arms and I love to be able to call you mine and make love to you every day. You are all I think about apart from our beautiful daughter every single minute of every single day. The day you asked me if we could adopt Adelaine was one of the happiest days of my life the top one is when we got married. You will always be that person to me the one that I love". I turn in his arms and just cry into his chest. I can't help it after everything he said to me. I felt him tighten his arms around me and kisses the top of my head and he says "I love you so much please don't ever forget that. You are beautiful to me".

After I have stopped crying I look up at him and say "I love you too and I'm sorry for last night". We just stand there in each other's arms for a while just enjoying being by ourselves.

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