* 14 - Safe Rescue

Start from the beginning

"Hey," Scarlett walked up to the Green Ninja, placing a hand on his shoulder and breaking him out of his train of thought. She knew it was hard on all of them, but it must be even harder for Lloyd, losing the one person he cared for to the enemy, "We'll get Mia back, I promise. We'll save her before the shadows get to her and take her powers. No, that's not more important... before they do anything life-threatening to her."

Lloyd loured, lowering his head and exhaling deeply, "I know, but I can't help but think that I'm mostly to blame here because I wasn't able to save her. If I hadn't been so stupid and ran without thinking, maybe she—!"

"Lloyd, we were all at fault. None of us are in the blame here." The dark-haired girl gripped his shoulders tightly, making him look her dead in the eye and he winced when her fingers dug into his skin, "She's strong, perhaps stronger than most of us, I know they won't get her powers. And they won't get through to her, either."

"Hmm, maybe you're right." The blond shook his head to clear his mind, don't think like that, Lloyd! You can't be all down when she's counting on you and everyone else to save her, "I'm sorry I'm acting like this, but I'm just worried about her. I don't want to see her hurt."

Scarlett gave him a small smile, knowing that she was able to get through to him, "Don't worry, we all get like that from time-to-time. But instead, how about you go save the girl you love and make sure to see her alive and well, yeah?"

"Guys, we're here!" Nya called out, knocking the two Ninja out of their deep conversation with each other. Those shadows are gonna pay if they hurt her! That one thought roamed in the Green Ninja's mind.

It was a complete disaster after that, everyone was rushing around the ship, trying to get ready for infiltrating the cave the shadows' resided in, but it took mostly everyone about fifteen minutes before they were done. They raced out onto the deck and finding themselves in front of the large cave. Everyone but Nya flipped on their Ninja hood-masks, sliding down the anchor briskly and reaching ground level.

Jay bit his bottom lip at the sight of seeing the emptiness cave to who-knows where, "You guys aren't scared, are you? Heh, because I'm certainly not!" But Cole easily picked up on this, giving the Blue Ninja a small smack in the back of the head. Jay jumped out of his skin, cowering and hiding behind the Sister of Fire.

"Cole!" Nya scolded him in a serious tone, pointing an accusing finger at him.

The dark-haired teen shrugged his shoulders, "What? Oh, come on, Nya, you can't expect me not to do that to him."

"Guys, this is serious. If we're gonna save one of our teammates, we have to go through this together," Kai instructed the others, holding Scarlett by the hand and everyone was quiet when walking into the dark cave, "We just need to figure where they are keeping Mia, no doubt it's gonna be guarded by shadows, we break her out and escape with her! Piece of cake, am I right?"

"But it's not gonna be that simple, Kai..." Nya sighed, gripping her weapon tightly in her hands, eventually turning her knuckles white, "We've learned that these shadows aren't messing around, they mean serious business. What they are doing to get Mia and Scarlett's powers, it isn't right..."

Lloyd seemed to agree, "Nya, we'll get her back. I'll make sure we get there before they plan to kill her, I won't let them touch her again."

Stepping into the all-too dark cave, Scarlett found herself moving closer and tightly holding onto Kai's hand. The place was a deathtrap, shadows could jump out and attack them at any given moment, and she knew the Fire Ninja would protect her. He promised he would. Vines hung from random corners of the cave ceiling, little spiders crawling on the floor by their feet.

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