Chapter 12: Leaving

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It's been two days since I heard Danny's confession in his room. I haven't seen him since then either and I heard from Sam and Tucker that he is planning on going on vacation with his parents and sister. I won't see him for a long time and I don't like the way we left things.

I stare sadly into my locker and look at a few pictures I took with Jazz and Dani. At one point Danny photo bombed us. I look at the picture and smile. I feel so horrible, I caused Danny pain without even realizing it.

"Hey, Vivian," I turn and see Aden, I put the photo down and close my locker. I give him a small smile. "Hey, Aden." He begins to speak only for my phone to cut him off. "Sorry," I say pulling it out and answering it. "Hello?"

"You might want to get over here."

"Jazz? What're you talking about?"

"We're getting ready to leave soon, Danny's saying goodbye to Sam and Tucker as we speak. I don't agree with the way you guys left things. You need to hurry we only have a few bags left."

"I'm on my way," I say hanging up and looking up at Aden. "Danny's leaving, I have to go."

"I understand, go." I smile and hug him before running out of school. I don't stop running till I reach Fenton Works.

When I get their I see Jack and Maddie Fenton loading up the Fenton Cruiser along with Jazz and Danny. "Danny," I call out and he turns around eyes filling with surprise. "I know you told me to stay away but I need to talk to you before you leave for who knows how long."

He nods before handing Jazz the bag that he had. He jumps from the cruiser and we walk a little ways away. "Um, Vivian I'd like to say first that I'm sorry for all the things I said to you."

"It's okay. I mean even if you did mean them you're forgiven."

"No, I didn't mean anything I said, I was just sad and angry with myself, after...Dash that I took some of it out on you and it wasn't fair."

"Danny, it's okay really. I just hope you're not still mad at me." Danny seems dramatically deep in thought and hmming. I smile and wait for his answer. "No, not mad, hard to be when it's you." I blush at his words. "So we're good?"

"We're good," he says and pulls me into a hug. I wrap my arms around his shoulders and feel much better. "I'll miss you while you're gone."

"I'll miss you too, just try to keep Amity Park standing till I get back." I scoff as he pulls away and smile. "I think I can handle a few ghosts."

"I give it a few days before you call me asking for help."

"I'd call Sam and Tucker before you." We stare at each other before we start laughing. "Just stay safe, Danny," I say before leaning forward and pressing a quick kiss to his cheek. I pull away and begin to step back. "I'm sorry, about everything." With that I turn and leave, slipping my hands into my jean pockets.


I stare after she leaves brushing my fingers against the place where she kissed me
What was she sorry about? I'm the one that said everything. She did nothing wrong. "Danny, are you okay?" I snap out of it and turn to Jazz. "Yeah, I'm fine," I say but I'm even more confused than before. I head back to the cruiser and continue putting bags in. "I saw you guys hugging, were you actually making up."

"Yes, Jazz, we're good. It actually felt pretty good to talk to her."

"What did you guys talk about? Unless you don't want to tell me. Which is okay."

"I just apologized about what I said and then we hugged exchanged a few more words and she left." We work in silence for a few seconds before Jazz spoke again, "And then she kissed you." I pretend to focus on checking my bag. "Yeah, I don't know why she did that."

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