Chapter 7: Becoming A Phantom

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I come down the stairs, hair disheveled, rubbing my eyes. I unfold my t-shirt and pull it on. I shuffle my way into the kitchen. At the young age of 9 and 7 me and Jasmine went to cooking classes, seeing as every time our parents tried to cook something it came to life.

I open the fridge and pull out the egg carton and the package of bacon. It was my turn to cook breakfast. I took out a skillet and set it on the stove. I hear Jazz coming down the stairs and continue working.

Suddenly she comes running in struggling to pull her phone out in her sleepy state. "Danny, come quickly," she whispers and I stare at her. "Why are you whispering?" She shushes me again, pulling on my arm. I finally just let her lead me out of the kitchen and into the living room.

I stop and look to see Dani and Vivian together in a sleeping bag. Danielle is sleeping with her head on Vivian's collarbone. Vivian has her arm wrapped around Dani, her chin on top of Danielle's head.

I smile at how adorable this is. Jasmine holds up her phone and snaps a few photos before we return to the kitchen. "Oh, Danny, I finished the suit last night!"

I smile, cracking an egg and watching it drop into the skillet making sizzling sounds. "I really appreciate you making that for her Jasmine. I'm hoping it'll help protect her at least for people who actually like Danny Phantom."

"I'm sure she'll do fine, Danny. She has a great teacher." I smile flipping the eggs. Jazz and I make small chitchat while I continue cooking breakfast. Once I feel I've cooked enough eggs I begin cooking bacon.

I hear Dani and Vivian enter the kitchen, I look up and give them a small smile. "Morning, Dani, Vivian how'd you sleep?" Jazz asks cheerfully, I see Dani and Vivian share looks.

"I slept okay, didn't know if I'd be able to with my heart racing like it did last night thanks to someone!" She sticks her tongue out at me and I copy her. "I smell bacon!" I hear my father's voice and roll my eyes. Jazz comes over and grabs the plates setting them around the table.

Along with cups and silverware. I smile gratefully at her and she returns it. Jazz pours orange juice into her cup then into Vi's and Dani's at their request. I place an egg on every plate along with bacon just as my parents come down, dressed in their usual jumpsuits.

"Morning Mom and Dad," Jazz and I say at the same time. Our parents smile at us. "Good morning children." Mom sits down beside Jazz and Dad sits down beside Mom. I take my place beside Vivian.

After breakfast is done, I get a text from Tucker. He's ready for us to come over, his parents are going up to Glenview to pick up his cousin. I tell Dani, Vivian, and Jazz, and we head over there, Jasmine decides to bring Vi's new suit.

Once we're there, Tucker opens the door and we head up to his room. Sam smiles and waves, I wave back. Vivian enters with Jazz and Dani. "Okay, can I see the suit now?"

Jazz smiles before handing over the bag. She takes it opening it with an excited look. She pulls out the long jumpsuit, all black except for the neck and collarbone section. Jazz hands over silver gloves and boots.

"Also, this is for you," Jazz hands her a black headband. Vivian smiles and hugs her. "Thanks, Jasmine, you didn't have to do all this for me."

"I like contributing, besides it was a breeze for me."

"Let's see how it looks on you," Dani suggest and we all nod. "The bathroom's down the hall first door on your right." She smiles and leaves the room. "Guys, check out what else I made," she says holding up a sticker. It's a silver V.

"For Vivian, you know, make it official."

"It's great, Jasmine, she'll love it," Dani says. "So, how was your girls night?" Sam asks and we look over at her, she had her arms crossed. "Oh, I'm sorry I didn't invite you Sam, I figured you wouldn't have much fun. And you didn't miss much Danny scared the crap out of us and we ended early."

The Daughter Of My Enemy ⚪Danny Phantom⚫Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ