Chapter 1: Hello, Daniel!

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I sit outside with my two best friends, Sam and Tucker. A radio sat beside me and the radio host, Vivian Silver's voice came from the speakers. "Alright, to all my small amount of fans out their someone has requested that I go onto the topic of Danny Phantom."

I perk up at that. I accidentally stumbled onto her when flipping through channels one day. I listened to her for awhile before becoming a small fan. "For those of you who don't know, Danny Phantom, is the big hero of a small town called Amity Park. Who's dedicated his life to protecting the townspeople from ghosts despite being doubted and ridiculed by the very people he protects."

"Now before we get on to my opinion I'll take a few callers to see what they think about this Ghostly hero. Our, first caller is Henley, your on girl."

"Ugh, how can you listen to this, Danny?"

"Shh, Sam," Tucker and I say at the same time, turning our attention back to the radio. "I don't know what everyone likes about Danny Phantom! He's putting a lot of people in danger, think of your children, we don't need this thing calling itself a hero."

I deflate slightly at hearing what this person thinks of me, Sam reaches to switch off the radio. "Now hold on, Henley," Vivian says kindly and I stall Sam's hand. "The way I see it, is Danny Phantom is a 14-year-old boy, he's as innocent as any child just starting high school. And he must feel a ton of pressure, protecting all those citizens of Amity Park," She says and I smile.

"Wow, I guess I never thought of it like that, good point Vivian."

"Thank you, caller. Now while we go on a short intermission I'll play some music for you guys," she says but is interrupted by a phone call. "Sorry, that's my cell. Hello?" I hear as she answers it. I hear the screech of protest her chair makes as she suddenly pushes it back.

"What?! How? When?.   .  .   .I-I understand I'll be right there." I can hear her voice breaking and I feel bad, knowing she must have gotten bad news. "Excuse me, I'll be cutting this session short. This is Vivian Silver signing off, see you tomo---. . .signing off for the last time."

I hear something slam before a burst of static comes from the speakers, causing Tucker to jump. Sam switches the radio off. "Idealistic nonsense! Danny, why do you listen to her?"

I look up at Sam, rubbing my neck. "Because in a weird way I feel like she gets me, she seems like a girl who understands what it's like to be Danny Phantom. Pressured and full of anxiety."

"You don't even know what this Vivian looks like! And Danny you're feeling what all other teenagers feel like." I shake my head, Sam will never understand. "No, Sam, it's more than that, she understands from a ghost's perspective."

"Alright, that's enough for one day. How about we all grab lunch at Nasty Burger?" Sam lets a smile appear on her face. "Sounds good, Danny?" I shake my head, standing up. "I'm good, I think I'll just hang in my room."

"Alright, suit yourself. Bye, Danny," Tucker calls before walking away with Sam. I stare down at my radio sadly, knowing Vivian won't be coming back. I wish I could just talk to her as Fenton or Phantom, I just want to find someone that understands me.

I grab my radio and head up to my room, my mind wandering when suddenly I get an idea. "Who better to understand me than Danielle!" I say to myself before moving faster to get to my room.

I enter, setting my radio down, and grabbing my phone. I type in Danielle's number. I hold my cell to my ear and listen to the ringing. "This is Dani!"

"Dani, so glad to hear your voice!" I speak excitedly, feeling a sense of relief. "I can't pick up the phone right now but leave a message and I'll get back to you. If you're Daniel, hi Danny, I miss you!"

Disappointment and sadness fills me as I slowly pull the phone away. "I miss you, too." I close the phone and let it clatter on my nightstand. I flop onto my bed feeling utterly alone. Maybe I should have gone with Sam and Tucker. I pull my pillow under my head after turning off my lamp and close my eyes.

🌁In a town far away🌁


I run as fast as possible, my sides are heaving and my lungs are burning. I reach the hospital and run up to the desk. The desk woman looks up at me. "Molly Silver, hurry please!" I shout and she nods, typing away on her keyboard.

Her eyes grow sad as she turns back to me. "She's being removed from surgery," a voice says from behind me and I turn to see my mother's doctor. "Dr. Gregory is she okay?" His eyes are sad and full of sympathy. Tears begin to well up in my eyes and I shake my head.

"No, no!" My voice breaks and I continue to shake my head. "Your mother's injuries from the car accident were too severe, she succumbed to her wounds."

Tears fall from my eyes and I begin to sob, the hospital staff gives me sympathetic looks. "NO! This can't be happening! Bring her back!" I scream and Dr. Gregory, who's always been like a father to me, places his hand on my shoulder. "I'm sorry, honey, she's gone." I slam my fists into his chest, crying, "BRING HER BACK! GIVE HER BACK TO ME," I scream but he just wraps his arms around me, letting me sob into his chest.

When I finally stop sniffling, I hear his voice. "You know I'm going to have to call him, Vi, don't you?" I nod feeling miserable. He pulls away and goes to borrow the phone from the desk nurse.


I jerk up right in my bed, awakened by my ghost sense. I glance around my room, it's completely dark, the sun must have gone down. I grab my phone, seeing a missed call from Tucker and Sam. I glance at the time and see it's ten thirty. I groan not wanting to deal with a ghost tonight but also hoping it's the box ghost, I feel like punching until it makes me feel better.

I'm setting my phone down when I'm suddenly grabbed by my ankles, making me intangible, and am pulled through my bedroom wall, I shout in surprise as I hit the cement sidewalk.

I feel my temper flare up as I push myself off the ground. I turn and who I see only fans the flames of my anger. "Hello, Daniel." I do a quick assess of my surroundings before I transform into Danny Phantom. "Plasmius, you picked the wrong day to mess with me!"

I fly forward hitting him with a beam of energy, knocking him backwards into the building behind him. "Daniel, I didn't come to fight," Vlad says and I glare down at him. "I did!" My eyes glow green and I pick him up by the collar of his suit. I pull my arm back and punch him in the face.

I throw him onto the ground, glaring down at him. "Unless you want me to suck you inside my thermos, I suggest you leave."

"Daniel, wait. I'm here to ask for your help," he says pushing himself up and dusting himself off. "Why on earth would I help you?!"

"Because it's not for me, it's for my daughter." I freeze and look up at him, I almost thought he meant Danielle but I seriously doubt it. "What daughter?"

"My biological daughter, she's just lost her mother and has no where to turn to but me."

"Frankly, she'd be better off with one of her relatives and safer."

"Agreed but none of her remaining family will take her call. They've shunned her and her mother." My eyes widen and I cross my arms. "Why on Earth would they do that?"

"Because she gave birth to Vivian outside of marriage. Their very old school." I glare at Vlad. "And I'm guessing you left her to raise your child by herself."

"I was young Danny, I made bad choices."

"You're still making them!"

Plasmius glares at me but doesn't snap back. "The point is, I'm the only one willing to take her in and she'll be going to your high school my only request is that you make her feel welcome. She's been isolated most of her life, home schooled by her mother, and has been removed from everything she's ever known."

I lose my glare and uncross my arms. "She sounds a little like me. Fine, Plasmius, but I'm doing this for her, not you!" The evil ghost nods a genuine smile on his face. "Thank you, Daniel, that's all I ask."

"Now leave before I change my mind on kicking your butt." He nods before disappearing, I yawn and phase back into the house, transforming into the innocent nonghost Danny Fenton. I crawl back in bed, closing my eyes.

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