Chapter 9: Worst Nightmare

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I struggle trying to get him to let go. "No, I'm nothing like you, this is just a dream." I stop when I remember how I got here, Fright Knight's sword. It shows you your worst fear. I turn and glare at Dan.

"You're not real, I'll never be like you! Never!" He smiles evilly, shaking his head while laughing. "No, you hope you'll never be like me but it's inevitable. With powers like yours and you drawing all kinds of unwanted attention to yourself, it's bound to happen. What will you do if those ghosts go after your family, your loved ones, like that lovely silver haired beauty, what's her name? Vivian?"

I glare my eyes glowing green. "Oh and that's another thing, your temper, rage is a terrible thing. That's why it's one of the seven sins."

"I've had enough of your mind games, Dark Dan, leave me alone!" He laughs maliciously and I flinch. "You see, I can't do that, I'm a part of you. I'll always be apart of you," He whispers then he phases into me and I shudder. I fall to my knees, trembling. "I' you!" I scream into the void. The only answer I get is Dan's laughter echoing back at me.

"Danny! Danny!" I jolt up, screaming. "Shh, it's okay, calm down." I look and see Sam staring down at me. "What happened?" I ask looking around. I'm leaning against a building back in my human form. I look and see Vivian, unconscious, beside me, she's human as well.

"Do you not remember?" I try to think hard but since I woke up my brain's hazy, I can't break through it. "No, what's going on?"

"We were all hit by Fright Knight's sword, even Tucker, he woke up soon after I did. None of us can remember what we saw in our worst fears."

I look over at Vivian. "She hasn't woke up yet?"

"No, but she's been muttering in her sleep."


"Help! Someone help me!"

"I'm afraid there's no one who can help you, dear." I turn at the sound of her voice. "Hello, who's there?" I call into the darkness, I hear chains rattling and lights flood the room. I squint against the sudden brightness.

I rub my eyes. I look around and freeze. A young girl's chained to the floor, her clothes torn, her purple eyes filled with misery. "What happened to you?" I ask, crouching down in front of her.

"My father, locked me up in here. I can't remember the last time I've seen the light of day."

"Why would he do this to you?" I ask but I don't think she's listening. Tears fall from her eyes as she stares at her hands. "I just missed him so much, I wanted him back! I WANTED HIM BACK!!! He's taken everything from me, my mother and now...him. He might as well have killed me too."

"Who? What are you talking about?" She lifts her head, glaring, her eyes flashing red. "I mean God, he took him from me," her whisper turns into a sob. I place my hand on her shoulder causing her to look at me. "Who did he take from you?"

"He took Danny! He died. I told him it was too dangerous but he didn't listen. нє ∂ι∂и'т ℓιѕтєи," she says the last words so softly I almost couldn't hear her. Danny? My Danny?

I shake my head and look around. "I'm going to get you out of here." She looks up at me with hopeful eyes, taking my hands into hers. "If you take me away from this place, I will be forever grateful."

I smile before standing up and looking around. It seems to be a secret laboratory. "Do you know where your father keeps the key?" I ask her. "He usually puts it in the safe behind that painting." I look and see a painting with a plaque that said: Dairy King.

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