Chapter 6: Girls Night

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I knock on the door and wait patiently. The door opens and I smile up at Jazz. "Hey, Vivian, come in," she says gesturing me inside. "Come on," she says and I follow her up the stairs and she leads the way to her room.

She opens the door and I enter, dropping my bag onto the floor. "Hey, Vi," I look and see Dani, I smile at the young girl. "Hey, Dani, how are you?"

"I'm good, hope you don't mind, Jazz invited me."

"No, not at all." I say sitting down only to be forced to stand up when Jazz calls me over. She's standing by a sewing machine, she has black and white cloth. I walk over to her and she begins taking my measurements.

I glance at Dani who's staring at Jazz's books. "Uh, Dani, why are you frightened of Vlad?" She turns away from the bookshelf to look at me. She goes and sits on the edge of Jasmine's bed.

"I wasn't born like you or Danny, I was created in Vlad's lab along with other science experiments. Vlad was trying to create a clone of Danny and wanted me to destroy myself to make him transform so he could get his DNA. I wasn't okay with that so I freed Danny and together we fought Vlad."

I stare at her, vaguely aware of Jazz wrapping the measuring tape around my head. "Why was he trying to clone Danny?"

"From what I heard, Vlad wanted a son, one that would love him. According to Danny, Vlad once told him that he saw him as a father would his child. Of course he's crazy and Danny wasn't too keen on becoming a part of his family."

I nod my head. "Do you think he's evil?"

"Are you kidding me, he's one crazy fruit loop!" Jazz's is shaking her head no but Dani had already spoke. I look down at my feet. "What?"

"Dani, Vlad is Vivian's biological father."

"Oh, sorry, Vivian." I shake my head, fiddling with the gauze on my shoulder. "Don't fiddle with it, Vi, you don't want to rip open the stitches." She takes my waist, arm, and leg, measurements. "Okay, that should do it, this is going to look so cool on you!" I smile and watch her go over to the cloth and start cutting.

"Okay, while your doing that I think we should put in a movie. Any suggests?"

"Ooh, lets watch Trinity of Doom! It's suppose to be really scary." Dani suggests and Jazz agrees, I smile pulling the DVD off the rack. Before I start the movie I go downstairs in my 'pajamas'. I'm wearing a purple camisole and black short shorts.

I pop popcorn, grab a bag of chips, and drinks. I return to the room and set the snacks on the floor and toss drinks to Dani and Jazz. I put the movie in and press the disc menu button on the remote.

I can hear the rhythmic snipping of Jazz's scissors in the background but it doesn't bother me. I press play and the movie begins, I quickly turn off the lights.

The only source of light came from the TV and Jazz's lamp, which we kept on so she could see as she worked. After a few minutes in Dani slips off the bed and sits beside me on the floor, resting her head on my shoulder. I set the popcorn bowl in between us, smiling down at her.

The movie is at least 2 and a half hours long. I quickly notice how good Jazz must be at sewing. After an hour in I hear the sewing machine start up. It also helped when scary parts came up. At the worst ones Dani would hide her face in my arm.

At one point Nightmarica jumps into the frame and in turn causes me to jump. Even Jazz screamed at the scariest part. I bring my knees up to my chest as classic horror movie music kicked up rising higher and higher, created to fill the audience with suspense.

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