Chapter 2: No Show

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I watch as the car pulls up to a large mansion. "Are you sure this is the right address?" I ask the cab driver. "It's what you told me isn't it." I hand him money and step out of the vehicle, closing the door behind me. "Want me to keep it running for you if it is the wrong address?"

I'm about to say yes when the mansion door opens and Vlad Masters comes out. I double check the photo of him my mom showed me. A little younger and dark hair coloring. "No, I'm good," I say and the cab drives away.

I walk up to the giant gate and read the sign: Mayor's house. My eyes widen, my. . . Uh father is the mayor of Amity Park? I push open the gate, closing it behind me.

I walk up to the door where Vlad is waiting, a small smile on his face. "Welcome, Vivian, how was your flight?" I didn't speak, instead I stare down at my feet. Vlad ushers me into the house, closing the door. I look around the mansion. "So you're the mayor?" I ask barely above a whisper.

"Yes, I am. I'm very glad that I'm finally able to meet you. I've always wanted a child of my own." I glare up at him, curling my hands into fists. "Then why'd you leave Mom, why didn't you come for us when you had this big change of heart!"

Vlad crouches in front of me, placing his hand on my shoulder. "Vivian, I know what you must think of me, but a long time ago something happened to me that made me lose everything I know and care about. It left a hole inside me that I had no idea how to fill."

My anger slowly dissipates as I listen. "When something like that happens to you, it's very easy to be consumed by depression and hatred for others and for yourself. Your mother didn't shy away from me, she accepted me, that's why I fell in love with her."

He pauses but continues. "When I learned she was pregnant with you unimaginable fear filled me, I knew I'd never be a good father, and this hole inside me, I knew without a doubt that if I stayed I'd hurt you and your mother. So I left and I regret it everyday of my existence."

I slowly uncurl my fists, my anger now replaced by exhaustion. "Alright, fine," I say and Vlad stands up, I look around at the walls of the mansion when something clicked. "Wait, are you the one that sent bundles of cash to my mother every month?" I turn to look at him, he wasn't looking at me but his own shoes.

The look on his face could be mistaken for indifference but I knew it was almost embarrassment. "Whenever, she was in need she called me, whatever it was I didn't care I always provided it for her."

I walk over to him and look up at him. "So, I guess in your own little way you did take care of me and Mom."

"I tried my hardest. Everyday I wanted to see you, at one point I even asked your mother if I could see you just once, she of course said no and deep down I supported her choice." I nod and Vlad shakes his head before leading me upstairs and showing me to my room.

I sigh and rest my suitcase against the dresser. I flop down on my large new bed. Vlad opens the door after knocking softly. "Your first day at school was suppose to be today but I'll let you decide when to start, whenever your ready." I nod and he closes the door.

I think back to my last broadcast, my mind wandering to Danny Phantom. It's ridiculous but I always felt a small connection with the teenage ghost. I pull a different photo from my jean jacket. A picture of my mother and Vlad. They both looked so happy.

My gaze travels around my room. How lonely it must have been to have such a big house, but no one to share it with.


I sit in the cafeteria, messing with the food on my tray. "Are you serious?!" I flinch as Sam's voice rises. Students stare at her and I told her to settle down. I just told her and Tucker about Vlad asking for my help. "Sam, calm down, what's the big deal?"

The Daughter Of My Enemy ⚪Danny Phantom⚫Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang