Thomas Imagine: Request! (part 2)

Start from the beginning

"Get out of here," I told Thomas, before being dragged away.

• • • • •

A door opened and I was thrown inside. I fell to the ground, landing on my hands in order to keep my head from hitting the cold, tile ground.

I heard the twins call for me, and I quickly got up, reaching for them even though they still remained tightly held by the guards. Janson stood in front, and when I reached for my children, he simply slapped me across the face.

"When I tell you to follow me, that doesn't mean stop and talk to those who are done with their testing," He snickered. The guards yanked Logan and Laura back, causing Laura to start crying and Logan to tense up in fear.

"Don't hurt them! Let them go!" I roared, pushing Janson back in order to reach them. He pushed me harder, causing me to fall back to the ground.

"Don't hurt Mommy!" Logan shouted at Janson, only for him to earn a slap. Anger flooded through me. There was no way I would let anyone hurt them. Getting up once again, I charged towards Janson, this time providing enough force to get past him and to the twins.

"Do you hear me?" Janson shouted. Reaching for them, the guards raised their guns towards me. I refused to surrender, even with the possibility of death staring me straight in the face. "Let them go," I commanded. The one guard slightly lowered his gun, but Janson shot him a dirty look.

"Don't disobey me then, [Y/N]. I'm sure the last thing you want your children to see is your bloody limp body on the ground," He replied. He walked closer to me, his daring dark eyes making me uncomfortable as he was probably staring straight into my soul. I stepped back, further from the twins and once again into the cold dark room. "Answer me this, [Y/N]. Why did you tell Thomas to get out of here?"

I stayed quiet, afraid that any response would result in another blow to the face. Janson shouted again, and I still remained silent. Earning another slap, my cheek burned red. "Tell me why you told him that!" He pushed me to the ground, stepping on my hand hard. I winced in pain, but I couldn't make it obvious that I was hurt in front of my own children. I had to stay strong through fearful times.

I watched as Janson kneeled to the ground where my body was, my already bruised hand still squished beneath his foot. He inched close to my face, moving a strand of my hair away from in front of my eyes. He smiled. "We could've made this so much more simple. I will give you one more chance to respond, [Y/N]. Why did you tell Thomas to get out of here?"

Within another moment or two of complete utter silence, Janson smiled, placing a large stomp onto my hand. I bit back tears. "Leave the children here. It might be better for them to see their mother suffer than to be alone." The guards pushed Logan and Laura into the room with me, but one guard remained standing there with his gun pointing at a forty-five degree angle towards the ground. Janson pushed him away, slamming the door behind him. Pushing my self up with my non-injured hand, the twins came over to me. I tried to comfort their cries, but I found myself crying as well.

• • • • •

We had fallen asleep, and only I had woken up to the sound of an opening door. It was a guard, carrying several plates of food and water. "Leave," I whispered, not only to keep the twins still in their slumber, but to also not show much anger to prevent the guard from lashing out much similar to Janson.

The guard continued forward, placing the food on the ground next to me. He closed the door of the room behind him, only the light from the hallway illuminating the room. He then kneeled down, hands in surrender, and took off his helmet to show his face. He was an older gentleman, with newly gray hair and wrinkles that had formed from the intense sunlight. He looked familiar somehow, but I didn't know from where.

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