Epilogue 1 : Our Miracle

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I can't believe we finally reached to the epilogue! Well this is the first one and there will be one more epilogue. And then..the end. Thanks to all those who stuck with me until here. If you like this story please recomment it to your friends or readers.

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I love you all!


Amortentia =]




"You're 10 weeks pregnant..." announced my doctor sliding the ultrasound kit around my belly. "Both the blood test and ultrasound confirms that."

I was pregnant, I was carrying Christopher Campbell's baby. That small dot on the ultrasound screen was my baby. Our baby. A part of me, a part of Chris, a part of us. I was beyond shocked and beyond happy.

Leaving the doctor's office with ultrasound screen-shots in my hand I thought of everything we went through. Finding each other again, getting together, Chris's proposal on the 3rd year of the university, our wedding after graduation, Chase being Chris's best man and Julie being my bridesmaid, our home...



Opening my eyes I couldn't see Chris lying next to me. I was at his house, in his bed and appearently...alone? I got out the bed stretching my body and yawning. The clock on the wall was saying it was already 10 a.m. Wow!

Wondering how I slept that much I went to the bathroom and washed my face. My hair was a mess because of sleeping cuddled up with Chris all night. I walked to kitchen and just as I thought it was empty. I went on looking for Chris at every single room. Both bedrooms, guest room, laundry room, study room. When I finally reached to living room I gasped in shock.

Everywhere was covered with colorful balloons, colorful party decorations, sparkling sprinkles on the floor and pinkish-redish rose petals. It was like a fairy came here and waved her wand. Following the only path between the patels and other stuff I reach to the couch. Different kinds of stuffed animals were sitting on it. Sitting between them I reached for the pink envelope on the coffee table and opened it.

"Goodmorning beautiful. I hope you didn't afraid because you are alone. Anyway, I just wanted to surprise my little angel. You need to be a little patient starting from now. As soon as you finish reading this just hit the play button on the remote. You'll find following notes telling you what to do.

Have fun babe ;)


With curiosity I hit the play button and started watching the partly-dark video. There was chatter and laughs coming for everywhere but yet the screen didn't show anything particular. After a few more seconds I heard the intro of one of my favorite songs Hello by Lionel Richie. As I went on watching the camera got close to the small stage and showed me a very young Chris with the guitar on his lap.

I smiled to myself at the sight of him. He looked gorgeous even back then. The camera got closer and gave me a full sight of Christopher, in his bluish-greenish shirt. And just then I realized what I was watching. Suddenly the video froze and Chris's voice came out of nowhere.

"Welcome to your journey Emily Montez. By the look on your face I'm guessing you've already understood what you are watching but let me confirm you. This is the day when we first met at The Cozy. I was singing when I saw you and realized we were at the same campus. You were with Jul and someone I can't actually remember. Don't blame me all I could see was you that day. We spent the night together drinking a little and talking a lot. Usually they didn't record my performances but they recorded the night. This is one of your favorite songs right? Just go on listening and I'll tell the rest later."

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