Still Loving You

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"It had been a fantastic day! Wish you were here too..." I said to Julie as I rooted through my clothes later that evening. Due to the things I had eaten while I was out I decided not to eat dinner that night. So I was just going to the hotel's bar and listen some live music.

"Forget about me. Just have fun!" Julie said from the other end of the phone. "I will. I'm going down to the bar soon." I said pulling out my red shorts and black dew shoulder blouse. "Uuu...Nice!" Julie said with an audible smile in her voice.

"I gotta go get ready. I'll call you later?" I asked looking at my shoes. "Alright then. Take care." she said and hung up. Deciding to wear my black heels I took them out too and threw my cell to the bed.


Getting inside my room I threw my cell out my pocket, to the bed and stripped off my clothes. Walking to my wardrobe (thanks to Elena somebody arranged my clothes) with only my boxers on I looked for something that'd fit.

I'd wear a shirt that was for sure. But which? After minutes of thinking I wore black jeans and a dark red-black squared shirt. I rolled up my sleeves as always and left the first few buttons undone.I opened a drawer and took out my black-leather bracelet.


I bent down to lace my heels as I sat on the bed. As I sat back straight again my eyes locked on the little box still standing in my suitcase. I walked to the suitcase and fell on my knees. I reached for the box with trembling fingers and opened it.

Taking my ring out I threw the box back in the suitcase. I sat on the floor and put the ring over my finger where it always fitted perfectly. I gazed at it for a few seconds before I got up to my feet with the ring still over my finger.

I walked up to the mirror and fixed my hair with the brush. I pinned it from one side and left it that way. Spraying some perfume on I put on earrings too.


I laced my black snickers and rose up to my feet. I walked to the other drawer and took out my perfume. Spraying it a few times I put it back in the drawer and looked around for my cell.

Finding it I slit it to my back pocket and ran my hands through my hair slightly. I walked to the door, opened it and got out to the corridor. As I was closing the door behind me my cell vibrated so I took it out.


I walked to the door and checked myself at the mirror one last time. I straightened my blouse a little and bended the door knob. Just as I was about the open it I realized I didn't put lip-gloss on so I walked back to the room.


As I answered the text I heard the knob of the door in front of my bend. I looked up as I closed my door. Whoever that as inside decided not to go in I guess cause he/she left the door knob.

I closed my door, took my key-card and walked to the elevator with calm steps. I pressed the button and started waiting for the elevator to arrive. The elevator on the left arrived first so I took it to go back downstairs.


I left the room after putting on some lip-gloss. I walked to through the corridor and reached for the elevator just before one closed its doors. I pressed the button hoping it to come back. The one on the right arrived all empty so I got on and went downstairs.

The elevator stopped on several floors before I reached to the bar's floor so my journey lasted longer than I thought.


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