Something About Us

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I have been studying for one of our major exams for like 48 hours. Until midnight at home and through all free times at school. I even haven't seen Chris for days. We can only talk on the phone. I think my brain is fried.

Sitting in the library with a mountain of books I heard a voice coming across from the table. "Psst..." Lowering the book I saw Daniel's chocolate brown eyes shining under the low light of the library. He seemed pretty tired too, I could tell this just by looking at his eyes. Quickly writing something on a paper he shows it to me.


I giggled quietly and wrote a reply on a paper.


Looking up from his book he half-smiled and wrote


I never did like hearing this sentence. Because usually when someone wants to talk to you it's not good. I wrote


Not writing a reply he just went back to reading an encyclopedia. I really feel lost. Not just about this exam. But about my feelings too. It's just so hard to spend time with someone who might be from your past but you can never be sure. Whenever I look at his eyes I see my Daniel Dawson for a second but then it disappears.



Shit! What did I do? I told her that we must talk. What if it's not her and she's just a stranger? What if I fall in love with her even more when I learn who she is? But there was something strange about her today.

When I wrote that we had to talk her expression changed too. She looked worried, it was like she was hiding something too. And the way she studied my face while I was reading the encyclopedia didn't escape from my eyes too. She looked like she was searching, looking for something.

What if...what if it's really her and she knows who I am too? What if she's falling in love with me too? Or what if she thinks that I'm completely strange? Arghh! I shouldn't have been thinking about these! I have a major exam in 2 days.

But her eyes...

Shut it! Concentrate on the book. You have an exam! Alright where were we? A-ha! Diagnosing diseases about cardiology...

The way her eyes sparkle when she smiles...

Oh hell! I'm so gonna fail this exam. Why heart, why you should ignore my brain? As I understood that I wasn't able to study I decided to do something I haven't done for a long time.

I walked to the living room, towards my piano. Melodies were the only things that could calm me down that moment. So I just let myself get lost in the keys and relaxed.


It was something like 7:30 in the morning and I was in my warm shower. I was feeling pretty stressed and nervous because of this exam. It would affect our finale grades and it would even have affect on out graduation degree. Stepping out of the shower I quickly got dressed and without even drying my hair properly I went out.

On my way to the campus I decided to stop by Starbucks to have a coffee and maybe a little cake. I was also wondering where the hell was my boyfriend. I mean seriously, I got that he will take this exam too but it's not right for him to ignore me completely. That's something that I hate about Chris. When an exam occurs he always starts ignoring me and just focusing on getting a good great.

Anyway...Stepping out my car I walked towards to Starbucks with cool morning breeze brushing my face. There were so many people inside and everybody wanted the same thing. Some caffeine and a bit of sugar. Getting in the long long long line I started waiting. I took out my cell phone from my pocket and wrote a message to Dan.

"Just in case I can't see you today, good luck in the exam :)"

I don't know why but whenever I send or receive a message from Daniel I feel really happy and peaceful. Suddenly a familiar voice came from my behind "It's not the smartest thing sending a message to the person behind you."

I turned around and met those shiny, deep, chocolate brown eyes. It was the best thing to see in the morning for me. Smiling at him I said "Good morning." He replied with the same. Just like the day we talked by the announcement board we were again really close. I don't know why but I felt my cheeks burning.

His eyes are the best proof to the fact that chocolate makes people happy. And his smile is like a drug for me. It numbs all my senses and makes me feel above the clouds.



"You sure Chris will be OK with me driving in your car?" I asked curiously looking at Emily who was buckling her seat belt in the driver's seat. She looked directly at me and said "Of course...He can be my boyfriend but that doesn't mean he can choose the people I'll meet."

I could smell her sweet perfume and it made me feel really peaceful. "How long have you two been together?" I asked as the car began to move. "5 or 6 months." "Just that much? He seems really in love. I thought it was more." Her expression changed. She was like thinking of past.

"Actually Chris has been into me since our first year here. But I have a complicated and painful past. Don't get me wrong. It's not something like drugs or a crime. But I had to leave behind many things. Sacrifice many feelings. And I had to move on."

I could see tears forming in her eyes. I didn't say a word as I didn't want to pressure her but she continued on her own "You know they say a person can only fall in love truly once? I had to leave that person behind. We had to grew apart. And my recovering took such a long time."

Her voice and her hands were a bit shaky so I reached for the steering wheel and made her stop by the pavement. I slowly rubbed her back and whispered "You don't have to tell me." Her head was on the steering wheel and I was sure that she was crying.

"No. You're my friend and it's the best for you to know these about me. I'm still really sensitive and fragile about these love and relationship things. Even though it's been 6 years and now there's Chris I still couldn't get over "him". It's just so hard to deny my past." She seemed really hurt and in the same time her story reminded me of myself.

" wouldn't want Chris to see you like this. Let's do it like this: you calm down a bit and I drive the car." She nodded quietly and opened her door.


I wonder how did Emily's exam go. She finished way earlier than me so it must have been good, right? Anyway, leaving my papers on the teacher's table I walked out of the classroom wishing to find her. But of course that was impossible as all the 2nd year students were coming out of the classrooms. It was a common exam.

So I decided to go to the cafeteria as she usually hangs out there but I couldn't find her. As I was wandering through the corridors someone held my arm firmly and pushed me into a class. As soon as I gained my balance back I saw who was it...Chris

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