Give Another Try

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"So now you're officially together?" asked Julie as she was emptying her suitcase. Her clothes were scattered all around the room. "Yeah I guess. But nobody will know for a while except for you and Chase." I replied to her question.

Silent began immediately as I said Chase's name. There was surely something going on about Chase inside Julie. Maybe a kind of crush? Oh that'd be fun.

"Aha! Found it!" mumbled Julie to herself and raced beside me with a box that was wrapped beautifully. "This is for you..." she said and handed me the box. I quickly opened it and saw a beautiful snow globe with Hollywood sign in it. "It's gorgeous!" I shouted and pulled Julie in a warm, tight hug.


"...56, 57, 58! Yippee now I have 58 freaking-beautiful snow globes in my collection!" I said looking at the shelf that was carrying my snow globe collection. Julie was shaking her head to my childish happiness and at the same time smiling. "Leave your darlings and get your butt here, movie is starting." she said and I jumped next to her on the couch.

We were watching an old but fascinating movie "Bounty Hunter" and eating popcorn. It was great having her back here, beside me, having fun together.

Our movie fun stopped with the door bell ringing. "You get it." I mumbled trying to look as tired as I could. "No way! I'm the one who came back from hours of flight!" I let out a sigh and stopped the movie so I wouldn't miss a part.

As soon as I opened the door I faced with a ruin. Chris. Standing there with messed up clothes, tired eyes, dropped shoulders. A thin scent of alcohol was smellable too. "What are you doing here?" I asked, calmly. Only looking at him was giving me enough pain.

"I-I am a-apologize." he said stammering. He was drunk and I was sure that he had been in the bar making out with girls all the night. "You don't deserve to be forgiven, plus you're drunk. Now go away!" I said, again trying to sound calm.

"But I love you so much. I'm sorry Emi, I've been a complete jerk. I shouldn't have done that." he said with a pleading voice. "But you've done it and it's too late now. Go AWAY!" I shouted this time.

"Emily, please..." he whispered holding my cheek with his warm hand. Stepping back I said "NO!" firmly. He sat down on the step"I'm not going anywhere unless you forgive me." I was sure angry but in the same time it was hurting me to see him like that.

I kneeled down beside him and whispered "Please go Chris. Stop making this harder for both of us." I could feel some tears forming in my eyes and I was trying to hold them back. Before I could avoid, Chris pulled me to himself and kissed me fully on the lips. I pulled away and slapped him hard on the face.

"GO! AND DON'T YOU EVER, EVER COME BACK!" I shouted and got back on my feet. He finally gave up and walked away. I just watched him leave with tears flowing down my eyes slowly. Yes, I was crying cause it hurts to see someone I once loved turn into something like that.

"I know it's hard for you. But you'll get over it. We'll get over it. Together." whispered Julie who has already arrived beside me. Putting an arm around me she pulled me inside and closed the door.


"Stop crying! Or I'll call Daniel to ask if he could come and save me from your sobs! That asshole doesn't deserve your tears!" shouted Julie with a tired voice. She was tired of telling me to stop crying for over an hour. I hate myself for crying over Chris too. But I couldn't help it. It was hurting too much. The things he has done, his situation, my slap...

Suddenly my cell phone started ringing loudly and I saw his picture in the screen. Daniel. I took a deep breath and answered the phone as calm as I could.


"Hey Emi, how's it going."

"Good. Julie is telling me about her adventures in Los Angeles. How are you?"

"Good, just sitting. Missed you, wanted to hear your voice."

"I missed you too."

"Listen umm, Chase's birthday is this Saturday I wanna plan a surprise party. Wanna help me with Julie?"

"Of course we'd love to!"


Absolutely great! More time for Chase-Julie. Yippie! I'm sure they like each other. They just need time together. And I know how...


After a really, really long break I was finally back at the campus. As soon as I stepped in people came around, asking questions about last week.

Everybody was asking questions, mumbling beside me. Where was I, who I had been with, where was Chris...Argh! Annoying! I finally shouted out "We. Broke. Up!" And then, there was silence.

Then whispers, mumbles, questioning looks. A hand pulled me out of the crowd and saved me. Lindsay. Oh, what would I do without her?

"Leave her alone will you? Don't you have an exam or something to study? Now shoe!" she said loud enough for everyone to hear. Everyone disappeared to another direction still whispering. "Thanks." I mumbled.

"No matter. Now I really don't wanna ask but why did you guys broke up? I mean you were really in love..." Stephanie asked handing me her own coffee mug. I took a sip or two and answered her question.

"We realized that it wasn't going that well. So we decided to break up. It was a decision that was made together." OK, I know I lied and believe me I don't like lying to Lindsay who tells me almost everything's better this way.


"Finally Miss Montez! We were beginning to worry about you..." said the dean of faculty, Mr. Meadow. "Please accept my apologies but I needed to fly to USA for my aunt. She had been really sick with no one beside her. I'll catch up with the rest of the class by extra lessons." I said.

Oh oh...Too much lie detected! "Only this time Miss Montez. Only because you're a bright student." he answered and I sighed a breath of relief.

The following days were quite busy. Running from class to class, teacher to teacher...I was freaking tired. On Thursday morning I realized that it was the first time this week I was sitting at the cafeteria. We barely saw each other with Daniel. We didn't have so much common lessons at the same hour.

As for Chris...I only walked pass him once or twice this week. I didn't care anyway. People were asking less and now I was more relaxed at the campus. Everything had settled down...Or I thought so. We were sitting side by side at the cafeteria with Dan, trying to look like friends when I heard Chris' voice.

"Was our love this invaluable Emily? You gave up on us and ran to him? And YOU!" he said pointing a finger at Daniel "Take your hands off her!" First part of his sentence was full of pain but then it turned into a piece of shit. I was about to give him an answer when Daniel got up to his feet, his hands clenched into a fist.

"You are protecting her from me, Christopher? You?" he asked surprisingly calmly. "Of course I'm protecting her. If you lay a finger on her..." Chris started but Dan shut him up. "What will you do? Beat me up? Better hurry before I kill you!"


Julie-Emily scenes :P and Chris...That annoying little b..never you mind :D

U-oh Dan seems furious :P

Let me know what you think about the chapter


Amortentia :)

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