Unexpected Favor

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1:30 PM...

So here I am lying on my bed awake for hours now! Why on earth can't I sleep? And believe me I've tried everything including reading a book (a boring one), listening to music (just piano melodies), counting in my head (I stopped when I reached 6000) and I even drank some milk (eww!). And there are some even better news: I have a test tomorrow!

Oh, wait I haven't said the best news yet...I can't get Daniel out of my mind! No, no, no...I am so not falling in love! I can't! I'm in a way engaged! No this isn't happening. No, no, no...

I must have said the last "no, no, no" part out loud cause I jumped at Julie's voice."Hey! Mind telling me who you are talking to?" "No one! I was dreaming...of bears chasing me!" Bears? Yes it couldn't have been a better lie. "Well there aren't any in the room I'm sure of that...now go back to sleep!" she complained so I took my blanket and went downstairs.

While watching TV I took a look at my phone to see what time was it and nearly screamed when I saw my screen.


Wait...I shouldn't have been this excited. What is going on with me? The message was sent at 11:13 and was saying

"Hey Emi, just wanted to say good-night :)"

Quickly, with nearly shaking hands I typed a reply

"Thank you :)) to you 2 :))"

Before a few minutes could pass he texted back.

"Why r u awake at this hour? :S" Don't know why but I smiled widely!

"Couldn't sleep :( u?"

"just woke up to drink water. go to sleep now come on!"

"but i can't :("

"want me to tell you a bedtime story? :)"

"sure! :)"

"there once was a cute girl named Emily who had a test on anatomy tomorrow...;) sounds familiar?"


"come on then...sleep a bit :) or you'll fail the test, if you fail the test you may fail anatomy, if you fail anatomy you may not pass this year, if you can't pass this year we can't graduate together, and I want to have you by my side at the graduation ;)"

I couldn't believe what I was reading. I even slapped myself to see if I was awake...and guess what? I wasn't sleeping!!

"Alright :D nightie-night then!!"

"nightie-night, sleep tight :)"

That moment I had a urge to dance and jump around the room. And the sleep I had left was gone too. But I didn't care anyway. I was way too happy.



There she was sitting a few desks behind me with jeans and a t-shirt. It wasn't something much but she was looking perfect in my eyes. She looked pretty tired though and I knew why. And also I knew that she would fail this exam cause even though there were only 10 minutes left her paper was nearly empty. Not because of she didn't study but because she didn't sleep.


"Alright now! Time's up! Please check your names and pass the paper to the front!!" announced Professor Taw. As the papers from behind reached me I had a brilliant idea. I erased Emily's name and wrote mine instead. I did the same thing for my paper too. Now I was the one who would fail the test. But I didn't care anyway as I had semester project from Anatomy already. That'd be enough for me to pass the class.


"I hate myself!" I moaned to Debbie who was sitting next to me on the low wall in the garden. Taking the last sip of my coffee I threw the cup to a nearby bin but unfortunately it fell to the ground. I groaned and buried my face into my palms.

"Hey it's wrong to throw trash to ground,you know?" said a familiar voice and it was obvious that he was smiling. "Hey Daniel!" I smiled at him weakly "Hey there...how's it going?" I shrugged as I felt completely lost in his eyes.

"Umm..by the way this is Debbie." I said coming crashing back to reality. "I know. She's in one of my classes."

Debbie is a quite girl who doesn't mind of not being noticed. She said "I'll go and take some books from library. See you later..." with her low voice. I nodded and waved.

As I was looking down at the ground Daniel came and sat beside me (really close may I add). I could feel his warm perfume scent. "What's wrong Emi?" he asked, lowering his head so he could meet my eyes. Our faces were so close that I could feel his breath. I shook my head slightly and added "Nothing, just that anatomy test...nearly empty!"

His arm sneaked around me and he pulled me to his chest. Given the fact that we just met this was quite strange, but it felt really good. I just buried my face in his chest and stayed quite. "Don't worry you'll work something out. I'm sure you..." A throat was cleared nearby and without looking I knew who was it. I quickly escaped from Daniel's arms and stood up. Chris had his eyebrows up and was gazing at Daniel.

Just to defuse the tension I got between them and said "Umm..Chris this is Daniel, my friend. And Daniel...this is Chris, my boyfriend." They both stretched out their hands and greeted each other with their heads.

Oh god, oh god...

If only looks could kill....

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