Chapter 28 - If Only

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Rewrote these chapters, hopefully the book will be done very soon!

"Hi, is this Allie? " The ladies voice cracked, I thought I recognized the voice for a split second.

"Yes." I answered.

"This is Noah's mother, um, are you sitting down honey?" My heart dropped, there was something wrong, I can feel it. 
I took a seat on the steps, "I am now, what's going on?" I asked.

"Well sweetheart, um..." she paused.
"What?" I started panicking, what was she going to tell me? I was afraid to listen, to what she was going to say.
I braced myself by grabbing the 
"Well..."there was a long pause. "Noah's been in an accident." She said slowly, letting it sink in.

I froze, dropping the phone, it clattered to the wood floor with an eerie sound.
"Hello? Allie?" I heard from the phone on the floor.
" Allie? Allie!?" My dad came rushing out. "What's wrong?"

I just sat there on the step, frozen, panicking.
"N-Noah" I pointed at the phone on then floor. Dad picked it up.
" Hello? What happen to Noah?" he asked Noah's mom on the other end of the line.
"Oh-oh my gosh, is he ok? I'll tell her, we'll be there in a little bit. Ok, thank you, bye" He put his hand over his mouth, something he only did when he was thinking. 

"Al- Allie, honey?" he bent down to my level.
"What happen, dad? Is he ok?" my voice a whisper.
He sighed.
"Dad, just tell me" I demanded quietly.
" Noah, was in a car accident, honey. They don't know if he is going to be okay." he told me exactly what I didn't want to hear. But it could have been worse...
" I told the nurse we were coming in a few minutes." he put his hand on my knee. I honestly had no idea what to think or say.

I just kept quiet, on the  way there thinking and rewinding the time we shared, and the fun and love we shared. I don't know what I would do if I lost Noah, he is my life, he has competed it. Made it worthwhile to live. I stared out the window. Staring at the moon. Wondering...wondering how he was going to look, if he was going to talk, walk, or if he was even going live. He could be in a comma, or brain dead. I didn't know what had exactly happen, how it happened. In a way I didn't want to see him, I didn't want to remember him that way, if was the last time I saw him.
My dad was driving over the speed limit most the way there, but it probably didn't help that I was crying uncontrollably.

When we arrived there were police cars and ambulances surrounding the front entrance of the hospital. They were just arriving there with Noah as we pulled in. They brought him out on a stretcher, he had a neck brace on and I could barley tell it as Noah from a distance. I pushed my door open, and ran at full speed toward everyone.

  Paramedics were yelling out unfamiliar terms and I had no idea what they meant. By the time I got to the door, they had already took him into the hospital. I was running behind everyone.
I burst through the door, people stared at me.

"Noah!" I screamed at the top my lungs.
I ran after him, but a nurse tired to hold me back.
"Miss! You can't go back there" I pushed through her arms in attempt to get to Noah. Then she called out for help to hold me back, and was surrounded  by five nurses all at once.

"Noah!" I tears filled my eyes so fast that I could barley see. They had just took him into a room, I didn't know what they were going to do to him.
" What are  they going to do him?" I furiously asked.
"They have to revive him." Someone answered.

I saw my chance to run, I darted down the hallway. Then I came to the door that I saw them go into. There was a glass window that I could see in at, I couldn't go in any way, it was locked.
They ripped his shirt off and defibrillators out...he jumped a few inches...nothing...once more, it made me feel sick to my stomach.
"Come on Noah." My voice shook, and cracking, holding back the tears. I pounded against the glass as I watched him. 

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