Chapter 27

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"Noah, Mr. Dert needs you over at his place to move somethin', lets go!" Mr. Vanison called from the kitchen. 

"Well that didn't last long," He whispered against my lips. 

We had only watched about twenty minutes or so of this horror movie. And lucky me, right when he was going to kiss me, his father walked in. 

He started to walk away but I grabbed his hand to stop him, I pulled him back down by the back of his neck and left a passionate kiss on his lips before saying, "Hurry back," 

He sighed frustrated, "I love you," 

When he said it, it sounded more like a reminder than anything. "I love you," 

Picking up his work gloves he followed his dad out the door. 

My phone rang. It was my dad. 

"Yeah dad?" I made sure my voice sounded giddy and happy. 

"Allyson, where are you?" Oh lord, that's his angry voice. 

"Um, I'm over at Noah's, dad, I cooked him dinner. Why, whats up?" I cringed at my use of words. 

"Get home right now, I do remember telling you, you couldn't just go places without my permission. Tell everyone by and I expect you to be in my driveway in fifteen minutes." The line went dead. 

"Ugh!" I yelled, Rebel perked his head up looking at me funny. 

"Sorry, buddy, I gotta go." I patted him and turned off the TV. I sent a quick text to Noah telling him I'd see him first thing in the morning and clichely telling him I loved him. 

My drive home was long and silent. I was realizing once again that I loved Noah so much it hurt to be away from him and that my father was always going to disapprove of him, which made my heart ache even more. I was becoming infuriated and frustrated with my dad with no signs of it getting any better soon. 

I parked, walked in without saying a word to dad when he started to say, "I'm not going to deal with-" 

"Dad, no disrespect, but I am not in the mood to argue with you tonight," I stated flatly. 

As I set my purse down on the dining room table, the home phone rang. Not even looking at the number I picked up. 

What I heard next made me wish I'd never picked up in the first place. 


Hey, I suggest you be ready for these next several chapter because I will be posting them all at once. 

Whatever you do, DO NOT STOP READING HERE. 

I know some people will stop reading but trust me, this is definitely not the chapter to stop reading and you'll see why very, very soon. 




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