Chapter 18

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So I know I haven't updated for a LONG time so I will try to update more often but I have had to catch up in school and I've also had to study for my finals, so enjoy!


It felt like forever by the time 3rd block rolled around and I got to see Noah. We have to same lunch but Noah I guess had to go take a test during lunch so I just sat with my friends, who didn't talk to me at all. I didn't get why either. Unfortenetly I have to deal with that later, all I wanted to do now was see Noah. I just wanted to run to him and jump in his arms, and wrap my arms around his neck and never let go. 

By now I had know Noah for almost 8 months now, we had spent a lot of time together and mad many memories but I was excited to see what the future had in store for us as a couple. We'd only been dating a couple of days, but it felt a lot longer, in a good way. 

I unlocked my top locker I shared with Marissa one of my other friends. I grabbed my large, in-need-of-repair biology book and looked at the picure of me and my mom when I was three. I was on her lap in a porch swing on a large Weeping Willow.

I had thin strands of medium burnet hair. I had a cute flowery head band on and a large cheesy smile on my face as my mom had the same cheesy smile on her face, and her skinny arms around my little waist. We both had white on and it illuminated our, very much alike features, and the green grass around us. 

I smiled to myself and shut my locker and gasp, "Noah!" I jumped slightly. 

"What?" He laughed as he put his phone in his work jacket. 

"You scared me I didn't know you were there." I laughed blushing. 

"Sorry...Are you ready to go to class?" He coaxed. The hallway was becoming empty and most of the teacher had gone back into their rooms. 

"Ugh, I guess. Let's go get this over with." I complained. 

We walked side by side until our hands bumped and we intertwined our hands. 

"Your hands are cold," Noah acknowledged. 

"Yeah, they always are, not matter what tempurture, poor blood circulation I guess. So get used to it." I joked as I pushed my curly hair out of my face with my free hand. 

Just as we strudded around the corner we saw an angry Connor leaning up against the wall by the bathrooms. 

"Hey, Noah!" He called. 

"What." Noah didn't even stop as we walked past him. I could tell Noah didn't want to even say 'what' to him. 

"I want to talk to you, that's what!" Connor came towards us. 

"Well, I don't Connor, so leave us alone." Noah said looking staight ahead as we walked. I glaced at Connor who was getting red in the face. 

"Pssht, leave you alone?" He mocked walking with us. 

"Can't you hear? 'Cause that's what I said." Noah bellowed keeping a firm grip on my hand, which was now warm thanks to him. 

"You know what Vanison? Fine! I will for now, but I promise you I'll see you later!" He practically yelled to Noah's face. I just kept quiet knowing I had kicked his butt the other day. 

"What was that about ?" I asked Noah sliconfued on why he still wanted  anything to do with us. 

Noah looked at me and just said, "I'll tell you in the truck later." 

I nodded and we countinued quickly to class. 

Of corse when we walked into the class room late, the whole class stared us down. But it was worse because of all the talk about us, and the fact that we had walked in together. 

"Well, you two are almost five minutes late. Would you like to tell us why Mr. Vanison, Miss Corad?" Mr. Conlen stated loudly in front of the whole class. 

"Uh, it was my fault sir, there was a hold up in the hall way. It won't happen again, I promise." Noah told him politly as we took our seats in the back; moreover Noah sat caty-corner behind me. 

"Is this correct Miss Corad?" The whole class turned to look at me with curiousity and entertainment. 

"Y-Yes sir. It definetly won't happen again." I honestly told him. My faced felt like I was too close to the campfire. 

"Okay, I guess I'll let it go for this once but if it happens again we'll have to have a talk." Noah and  I both nodded and Mr. Conen went back to teaching the lesson projected on the bord. 

Noah and I exchanged glances before countinuing to open our notebooks and countnuing with the biology lesson. 


 Sorry it was so short but I promise that when I have time I'll update more often. Sorry for the long wait. :) Vote, comment and fan please! 

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