Chapter 26

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"Hey, I have a question for you?" Lindsay asked as she leaned against the locker beside mine.

I furrowed my brows wondering what she wanted. We weren't exactly on perfect terms right now. "What?"

"Why are you dating Noah Vanison?" She tilted her head.

"Um, because I really really like him and he's an amazing person...that's why." I stated as I picked through my notebooks trying to find the right one.

"I don't think he is, I mean what if he's putting on a show for you? I'm just wondering why you chose such a sucky person when you could have anyone you want." She shrugged her shoulders and twirled a long lock of her red hair.

"What?" I stated coldly ignoring her compliment. 

"Just wondering." She still didn't look at me.

"One. He is a good person. Two. I don't want anyone else but Noah. And maybe if you were such a judge mental bitch you would have a boyfriend, or at least a true friend. Three. I know who he is because I love him. So just remember you know absolutely nothing about him. Or me obviously." I was shaking with rage with every word I said. I slammed the locker door and walked away before it got out of hand.

When I looked at her before I turned around to leave, the look on her face was absolutely priceless, and worth the mean things I'd said to her. I don't feel one bit regretful or sorry for her or any of my old friends, they were all like Lindsay, judge mental and straight up mean.

I didn't see Noah at all during the school day and I couldn't get a hold of him. So I decided to go to his house after school.

I pulled in the drive and his truck was there and so was his dad's. Oh yippe.

I was scared to walk though the door so I knocked and apparently no one heard me. I pushed the door open and the house was quiet but a laptop was open on the table in the living room.  "Noah?"

I called a few times as I walked through the large house. I didn't find either of them.

"Okay I'm going outside now..." I said quietly to myself, mainly because I was scared to be alone in the house.

As I neared the back barn, where Noah usually is working on something if he's not in the house, I heard voices.

And they were loud. And yelling at each other.

I wanted to go towards them but instead I stopped at the barn door, hid just out of sight and listened.

"Why don't you do something with your life Noah?" I heard his dad say frustrated.

"I am dad! I have a job, I'm doing good in school, I have good friends and I have-I got a girl dad, I'm finally getting my life together!" Noah's voice softened to a pleading voice.

He was trying to make his dad see all the good he was doing instead of seeing him as a trouble maker, like he used to be. I got it, so why didn't his father?

"Good friends? A girlfriend? That's not the Noah I know." Robert scoffed.

"Yeah dad, a real good one too," I smiled to myself but then his father started up again.

First Sight - Book One (Major editing) Where stories live. Discover now