Chapter 6

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Sorry I left off in a bad place in the last chapter and it was short, but this chapter should be longer. Vote, comment, and follow! :) 


"Alright to be honest, I would think that you would be the last person I would see today." I laughed as her stop was comeing up.

She had told me a few things about her self, small things that didn't really matter. But I wasn't surprised that she did't tell me much, beacuse after all I was almost like a stranger. 

"Hey," She turned to me, "What's your number?" Her face light up as I replied. 

"Oh, yeah, here." I smiled back as I wrote it on a piece of paper and handed it to her. 

"Hey, instead of you riding the bus to school, do you want me to pick you up?" I raised my eyebrows. 

"Uh-yes, I hate riding the bus, what time do you go to school?" 

"Well, when I drive I usally leave about-"

She interupted me, "I mean when you aren't late." She raised her eyebrows. 

Crap, how did she know about that? 

"Well, then I will leave at 7:20, then I will be here about 7:25." I smiled. 

"Okay, then see you at 7:25." She laughed and rose from our seat. 

I watched her walk up the stairs to her brandnew house. Yeah, her dad must have some money, the house is huge, and was just built. 

As she hoped up the stairs her hair bounced, and blew in the wind. Once she got to the door she turned around, and waved. 

I wish she could have been able to see me, because I waved back, but the bus windows are a bit tinted and you can't see anything. 


I woke up the next morning feeling energized and ready to do anything, plus, I think I was a bit exited picking Allie, up this morning. 

I had been picking her up for about the last two weeks now, and we had become friends. 

Of course I wanted us to be more than that, but I had only known her for two weeks. I needed to get to know her a little bit more. 

I pulled my truck into Allie's drive way, and I honked. 

 The front door opened and Allie stepped out, and shouted something over her shoulder, most likely to her dad. As she bonded down the steps, her thick spiral curls bounced, and a smile spead across her face as I made eye contact with her. 

She climbed up in the truck, and shut the door behind her. 

"Hi," She grinned cheerfully. 

"Well, hi, your in a good mood." I told her. 

"Yeah, I don't know why, I just feel happy, and like today is going to be a good day." I continued to smile. 

"Well, then if you feel like its going to be a good day then I trust you." I stated. 

"Good, that's nice to know, I am gaining trust." She told me as I pulled out of her driveway. 

"Oh, yeah, that's right, we have a pep rally today, don't we?" I asked her as I pulled into the school parking lot. 

"Yep, maybe that's why, I am so exited, I love pep rallys!" She said. 

"Really?" I asked cuirous, because I knew I could fin out more about her this way. 

"Yesss," She sighed. 

"Why? I mean what do you like about them?" I pushed.

"Well, I like the band, I like it when they play, it gets me exited, and I love watching the mascots, the crowds of people, and sitting with your classmates, and friends." She stoped. 

"Is that it?" I asked laughing.

She sighed, "I think so."

I turned the truck off and gathered my belongings, as she gathered hers. When I reched down to grab one of my books, beside hers, our hands touched.

It sent sparks igniting up my hand, then my whole arm. We both looked up instantly, into eachothers eyes. We were only inches apart, I could have kissed her if I wanted to but I still think it is to soon for that.

"Sorry..." I mumbled.

"It's okay. " She said softly, still looking at me.

I glanced at the trucks clock, and it was 7:55, only five minutes until the lfinal bell rang.

"We better get going or we are going to be late." I stated.

"Yeah, don't want that now do we." She said sarcasticly.

"Nope." I simply said back.

We walked to the main door in silence, I stepped ahead of her to open the door.

"Thank you."

"No problem." I nodded.

We practicaly ran up the stairs, we would have ran through the halls but there were teachers standing guard of the hallway, so probably a good thing we didn't.

By the time we got to our lockers the bell rang.

"Shoot!" I hissed.

"Oh, great." Allie complianed under her breath.

"Sorry, I walked over to her locker, it was not just us in the hallway now.

"It's fine, we left on time today, I don't know why we are late." She looked up at the clock.

"I don't know, all I know is that we are going to be in trouble. Mr. Klessen said if I was late one more time this semester, I would be put on probation from football, until I learned to show up on time." I put my arm causally on top of her locker door. 

"Just for being late one time?" She asked suprised. 

"No, a while back I was late just about every day, okay that is an exaggeration, I was, twice a week or something like that." I looked at her. 

"Oh...well. I never really liked him either, he seems...full of himself almost." She reponded. 

"Yeah, I agree." I agreed. 

She didn't say anything back. 

"Look, Allie, I am sorry for making you late. I really did leave on time. I don't want you to get in trouble, you are a good student." I apologized. 

"No, it's okay, it not your falt, it's not like am late everyday." She put stressed the 'I'. 

I nodded back, "Well, what do you want to do then? Go in a get in trouble, or just skip all together?" I whispered. 

"What?!" She sheiked quitetly. "Noah, are you crazy? You know how much trouble we- no, could get in trouble for skipping class, now your asking me to skip the entire day?" 

I just looked at her, and raised one eyebrow. 

She countinued, "What if my dad, finds out, plus I have a Chemeity test today." 

We we still whispering. "Just tell your dad, you got sick at school or something like that, and you took the rest of the day off, and I drove you home." Satisfied with my answer, I smiled crookedly. 

"FIne, okay! But if I get into any trouble, you will be involved, and it will all be your falt." She pointed at me. 

I could tell she wasn't happy leaving school, but I know we would have fun today, wherever I was going to take her. 

First Sight - Book One (Major editing) Where stories live. Discover now