Chapter 13

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*Noah's POV** 

There he was, staring in and scowling at us. He had a digusted look on his face as he looked back and forth between Allie and I. I stood up and told Allie, "Stay here, I'll be right back." 

But I knew she wouldn't really stay put, so I told her I was serious and to stay here, again. I walked out the front door and walked around the side of the building, where Connor and the rest of the crew were standing waiting for me apparently. 

"What do you want?" I said angrly. 

"Oh, nothin' just wondering why you are hanging out with that princess." He nodded his head towards the building. 

"Connor, why do you have a problem with me hanging out with her, we are just friends." I told him honestly...well kinda, I'm not real sure where we are after that second kiss, but he doensn't know that. 

"I-I'm not, it's just we kinda need you to complete our little plan for Friday." He said tring to pull me in with his pursasive words. 

"Like what?" I pushed. 

"Well we were going to take a little trip to Eagle's peak." He said. And I guess I haven't told you about Eagles Peak, it's where all the rich snoby kids live. Well, at least the ones that flawnt their richness around. Unlike Allie and I they always bragging about how ruch they are and their parties, which usally we go to and cause trouble like we usaully and also get kicked out. But they are just not good people, they are bullies. And sometimes when Connor is bullying someone, I either tell him to stop or just simply walk away. I guess I am just a better person than them. 

"Eagal's Peak, really? For what?" I asked not beieving him. 

"I don't know, maye busting some windows. You know not much." I seriously can't beilve him right now. He does this type of stuff almost everyday. I know that if I keep going with it I may not get into collage. 

"Connor, no. I am not doing that, it's stupid." I told him backing up away from them, but he steped closer. 

"Did you say no to me?" He asked souning furious. 

"Yes, you heard me, I said no." I repeated. 

"Noah, you just made a mistake." He said getting closer to me, and the next thing I know I back into the diners cool brick wall. "Ooh, looky who we have here," He said looking away but still cornering me. "Noah's girlfriend', your just in time to see you boyfriend get knocked out." Before I could react I saw Connor's fist coming towards my face. Before I fell I heard Allie scream something inaudible, and I fell deep into the blackness. 


A/N Sorry for the really short chapter, I'l try and update tomorrow. :) Vote, comment, and fan/follow! Thanks! :) 

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