Chapter 14

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A/N- I know I said I would update a few days ago, but I got busy. Plus I am not getting many all. So I may finish this book and not make a sequel like I was planning. 


*Allie's point of view**

After Noah collapsed to the ground, I screamed, and one of Connor's friends, grabbed my hands and put them behind my back. But it's to bad I knew self defense because, my dad, was a cop. Well, a few years ago, but now he's a detective...if your wondering. I planned it all out, I wouldn't do it right away, so that I could take them all out, or at least scare them away. There was 4 of them including Connor. 

Noah lied knocked out on the concrete, as I was planning it all out in my head what I would to to try and get away, because who knows what they would to do me while Noah was knocked out. I feel really bad for Noah because I imagine he's a good fighter and all, but Connor didn't give him any warning. I wanted to cry at the sight of it but I knew I was stronger than that. 

"Let's go!" One of Connor's friends pulled me towards Connor's beat up car. 

Next thing I knew I had duck tape over my mouth. Well, I certeinly didn't plan on going this far, oh well to bad for them. I screamed a muffled scream and wiggled around as the duck tape on my mouth got tighter and my hands were being zip tied. Yep, didn't think they could go any farther than the tape on my mouth, but looks like I was wrong. 

"Hurry up get her in the car before he wakes up, we all know he doesn't stay out long!" Connor commanded his crew. 

"Why are yo doning this?" I tried to yell thought the hot duck tape. 

"Oh, I'm sorry, what did you say sweetie I can't hear you though the 3 layers of tape?" 

"Screw you!" I yelled I knew he heard that because he turned around. 

"Oh, your probably thinking 'why am I doing this to you?' yeah, well I am doing this to get back at Noah, for leaving me crew. Nobody leaves my crew, not even Derek over there who has been out of High school for 3 years. Nobody leaves. And not only because Noah left, but because he left to be with you." He scowled at me and continued. "So to get back at him we got what matters most to him. And that's you if you havn't noticed in the past 2 and a half months. Maybe he will learn not to leave after we do something to you." 

Tears we filling my eyes, because of anger, yeah I cry when I am mad. And I was beyond mad, I was enraged. 

"Now lets take you in this ally and figure out what to do with you before your boyfriend wakes up, and I have to kick his butt again." 

I let them lead, or rather pull me forcfully to the ally way across the street. I was going to loook weak then unexpededly lash out at them when they are least expecting it. 

Connor stepped in front of me, and said something I don't want to repeat, before he pushed me down to the conreate. Ouch! I hit my head on the hard ground before, Connor had time to punch me, I whipped up off the ground with no hands, only my elbows and headbutted him right in the forehead. I saw blood start to oozz from where I hit him as he feel back on his back. Then as I was expecting, I saw the 3 other bpys come running out to gain control of me again. I knew Connor would be, not knocked out, but not able to fight well if he joined the fight again. 

One blond boy grabbed my arm and I broke out if the zip ties as I elbowed him in the ribs, and eyes. He fell backwards towards Connor. 

Then the shaggy haired blond decided he would try it, and without my zip ties on anymore I could acually fight, and I was ready. The adrenline pumping and my will to stay alive kept me going. 

I ripped the ducktape off my mouth, as the shaggy hair boy tried to punch me, but I caught his wrist in mid punch, which hurt, and flipped him as hard as I could to the ground. I heard him grunt and I took on the next guy, a short haired red head. He was smarter and went for my hair, when he suceeded I punched him and spun arund before kicking him in the groin. He also went down with a grunt. Just then I heard Noah calling from across the street. 

"Noah ,over here!" I yelled back at him. I knew if one or all of them got up we could both take them. 

As the fist guy I took down stood back up and came for more I simply punched him  in the nose, kicked him also in the groin, and when he doubled over I kneed him in the head. That knocked him out. But there was still two others. 

I heard a grunt and looked back to see a wide-eyed Noah staring at me. 

"What?" I asked, but he just kept staring.  

"I-" He tried saying but couldn't. 

"Allie, Connor!" He yelled. 

I whipped around to Connor cometing straight towards me like a frieght train. I put my leg out to tip him, then as he fell I kicked him the chest. He again collapsed. But then I reilzed that the second guy got back up, and was fighting with Noah. 

Noah had him pinned to the ground and blood driping from the corner of his eye, and his nose. 

But the other guy looked worse, he had bruises on his face, one clearly over his right eye. Yep, that would be a shinner. 

I felt something violently tug at my shirt and relized I did a stupid thing and turned my back on Connor. He pulled me down and pinned me to the ground. He was sitting on top of me, but not for long. 

"Haha, your a good little fighter aren't you? Hmm...I wonder where you learned that from." He said evily. 

I squrmed because I couldn't lift my legs or my arms to kick or him him. So I did the next thing that came to mind. I bit him. His arm was very close to my mouth, bad idea Connor. He lifted his hands off me nauturaly, but before I could get back up or even hit him, he had me back down. 

He hit me, or rather smacked me with his hand. It stung so bad, and enraged me even more to the point that I wanted to make him bleed. 

"Don't ever do that again you hear me s-" He was interupted my some great force pulling him off me. It literally felt like a huge weight wads lifted of me, and I could breath again. 

I heard someones fist connect with someones face, but before I could look to see who it was, I got light headed and faded into the darkness. 


I'll update more tonight! Hope you enjoyed reading it as much as I loved writing it! :) 

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