Depressed Male Reader x Kirishima Eijirou (Boku No Hero Academia)

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(M/N) (L/N)'s p.o.v

What happened to a time when everyone thought others were up to par with each other? What happened to a time when we believed we were not different? That just because some of us didn't have a quirk, it didn't define who we picked as friends? What happened to just having friends who you connected with? Had a good time with? What happened to us just, being the same?

I remember when I was still in kindergarten. Life was so much, easier back then. Nothing else to worry about other than the smallest of problems that no one other than children have. Like picking the wrong colored crayon, even though there's ten of the same on in the mix-matched crayon box. Or complaining about not being sleepy when the teacher said it was nap time.

It was a time of peace for me. Nothing serious to worry about. The smallest worries, cares, and dreams that I had so long ago. It was a time that I can say was a favorite of mine. Because it was the first time I had met him. That spikey haired, red eyed male that to this day makes my heart skip so many beats, causes butterflies to never rest, and blush to never stop spreading across my cheeks.

We were both in the same class, which I had noticed early on. And even though I didn't know much about him, I knew he existed because he wasn't the quietest. But, I was a very shy and quiet person, so all I could do was admire him from afar. I admired how confident he was, with literary every single thing he did, and still does now.

I would look at him often, wondering what a fellow classmate and five-year-old could get themselves into at such a young age. Most of the time, he would be playing with actions figures loudly or making origami figures out of construction paper. But other times, he would be staring at me.

When I first caught him staring, I had looked up from a coloring page I was filling in. I was going to grab a different color when I turned to see a pair of red orbs staring at me. I froze for a bit, not really understanding why he was looking at me. But even so, five-year-old me began to blush because of it.

I quickly looked away from him and back at the coloring page that was basically finished. And I would have continued to work on it if my heart didn't feel like it was going to beat out of my chest Which only grew worse when it felt like those eyes were still on me. I could feel my face grow warmer than before, and my felt like I was going to throw up.

Well, that too got worse when the black haired male himself was standing next to me, looking at the coloring page as well. "Oh, this is so nice (M/N)!" Kirishima exclaimed, which made me blush even more if that was even possible. "T...Thank you" I whispered, poking and un-poking my index fingers together in a very flustered matter.

"Oh! I know, let's color together!" Kirishima exclaimed again, grabbing my wrist and pulling me over to the shelf that held all of the coloring pages. And even though I was still flustered, and could barely raise my voice to say a simple okay. I began to follow him with a small smile, actually excited to pick out matching pages and coloring them with him.

And after that, Kirishima and I were stuck together. There was never a time that you wouldn't catch us with each other, and it made me happy that I had finally made an actual friend. To know that I would have someone to play with and talk to when I wanted, and not have to feel shy when we had a conversation, or when we made eye contact.

Everything was fine from then on...until quirks came into the picture.

Kirishima and I were both in fourth grade when he got his and around that time, I had gained more bullies than I did the year before, and the year before that. At least half of the class didn't like me at this point, mumbling things about me under their breath and then laughing at what they said, or doing small things like tripping me or spitting spitballs at me. Of course, Kirishima tried to put a stop to it, but it never really worked.

Male Anime Characters X Male Reader | Part 1Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat