Non-Quirk Male Reader x Todoroki Shouto (Boku No Hero Academia) | Part 2

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Hello my fellow human beings! How are all of you? I hope all of you have been doing well.

I want to start off by saying thank you to every single one of you. Rather you follow me, just read my chapters/books, vote on my chapters, and/or add them to your reading list. It means a lot to me that all of you love/still love my writing.

Well, with that said, let's get onto the chapter! This is a very long one, but I hope you enjoy it!

Requested By: Multiple People


The sound of my bedroom door opening and closing caused me to slowly peel my eyes open and shift in bed a bit, peaking over my blankets to see that Katsuki had finally come home.

I looked over at the clock on my nightstand to see that it was two in the morning and then proceeded to look back at Katsuki who was currently trying to tiptoe into our shared bathroom.

"I'm not asleep y'know?"

The moonlight peeking through the blinds and curtains covering our bedroom windows was bright enough for me to see the look of guilt on Bakugou's face.

"I know..." His words trailed off as he made his way towards me and kissed me on the forehead. He then made his way into the bathroom and closed the door before switching the lights on and turning on the shower a few minutes later.

I smiled a bit and turned over to my side so the ash-blonde male could have my full attention once he was out of the shower. This was a routine that Katsuki was desperately trying not to keep, coming home from patrol so late.

I would never complain about Katsuki and his long hours, no matter how much sleep it caused me to lack. But it did make it impossible for me to sleep. Not having him by my side, holding me.

So, I ended up staying awake and waiting for him instead of tossing and turning all night. It wasn't all bad, staying up and waiting for him. It gave me enough time to edit some of my stories or write some ideas down, or even cook some food for the two of us as a "midnight snack," which was more of a full course meal.

It wasn't horrible, waiting for him. As for not being able to sleep, well, I was used to that, and so was Katsuki. A lot had happened over the past eighteen months, but the whole experience was definitely our ship sinking before it could really take off. Well, until we put some of the pieces back together and our horizons became a little clearer.


As a best selling author of fantasy and fiction novels, it was always best to try and keep my mind flowing with ideas. So, I did everything I could to write down any ideas that I had for the plot of a book.

It wasn't often that I had writer's block, but when I did, it sucked because there were only a select few things that I could do to shake my writer's block and get back to writing. Listening to certain music was one of the ways that worked for me, but for some reason, it just wasn't working today, at all.

So, I decided to whip up something to eat and bother Katsuki while he was on patrol. Usually, I'd just take a walk around town and eventually get the ideas flowing, but I decided that a change of pace wouldn't hurt.

So, with that thought in mind, I made lunch for Katsuki and myself, locked up our apartment, and made my way over to the area he was usually patrolling. And luckily, it didn't take that long to find him, seeing as he was also patrolling with Kirishima, Sero, and Denki as well.

"Katsuki! Hey!"

A pair of crimson eyes made contact with my own (E/C) ones as Bakugou stared at me in confusion, my voice also catching the attention of the three other pro-heroes who waved at me once they saw me.

Male Anime Characters X Male Reader | Part 1Where stories live. Discover now