Seme Male Reader x Tenya Iida (Boku No Hero Academia)

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Requested By: IrisIncubus


Tenya Iida was someone that I've known since I was born, simply because our parents were the best of friends and decided that their kids should be the best of friends as well. Ever since my mind could successfully process memories to the point where I'd actually remember them, there wasn't a point in my life where Iida wasn't there. He was always around me, which was something that I never actually minded growing up because I was never alone.

He was such an awkward person that was focused on justice and following in his brother's footsteps. Personally, I found it a bit weird, wanting to follow in someone else's exact footsteps, but that was my own opinion. I thought it would be a better idea to follow a path of your own, but Iida was Iida, and his brother was his role model. In Iida's eyes, his brother was his everything, including the meaning of justice. No one could compare to his brother and how great Iida believed he was. Well, other than his parents anyways. And even still, I doubt they could compare to Tensei in Iida's eyes.

I never understood why Tensei was such a saint to Iida, but I'd ask him about it anyways. Just to see Tenya's eyes, face, and body language light up in excitement. At first, I found it a bit annoying. How happy he sounded when he talked about how great his brother was. But the more I paid attention to how Iida acted while talking about his brother, the more I started to become more fond of the blue haired male. I can't really explain how, or when I actually become fond of the male in a romantic way. But after I had began to notice my feelings for him shift, I began to fall for the male even harder.

At first, I had tried to stop myself from feeling that way. But the more I tried to stop it, the harder I fell for him. So, eventually, I stopped being stubborn and just let my emotions guide me into falling in love with the male. It was also hard, being in love with someone so focused on everything but his own emotions. I knew a relationship was definitely out of the picture, but having Iida but my side was enough for me. We were best friends, and I was okay with that. Simply because I was the person he was the closest to. The person who he would tell anything and everything to. No matter how embarrassing.

Well, that was until we had both gotten accepted to UA. We were still close, closer than we had ever been before. And I was ecstatic about it. Things in life were going so well for the both of us, I couldn't have been happier. But, things slowly turned sour once Iida learned his brother had been attacked by a villain and he was in the hospital. Of course, I wasted no time in going to the hospital and letting him cry on my shoulder. I held him as he yelled and cried in anger and sadness. I wiped his tears and whispered words of encouragement to keep his head up. If not for himself, for his brother.

If I said things would go back to normal right after Iida cried against me as I held him, I would be lying. If I said that this wouldn't cause a change in Iida after he broke down in my arms, I would be lying once again. I knew it would change him. I knew things would be tough after everything that Hero Killer Stain had done to Tensei. Iida's role model, the person he's looked up to since he was a child was in the hospital, with his career as a pro-hero gone within the blink of an eye. If that didn't change him, I would've questioned what the hell was going on with him. But, the way it changed him, is what truly surprised me.


"Tenya!" I called out for the millionth time as Iida continued to ignore me and walk away from me. He had been quiet all morning and he hadn't spoken to anyone, not even me. There was no disciplining his classmates, or exclaiming about the school rules. He hadn't said one word to me or anyone else since he saw his brother, and I was starting to get worried. "Tenya, please-" "What? What could you possibly want? You've been calling my name since lunch began." Iida stated as he turned around to look at me, speaking in a tone I've never heard him use. It made me pause for a second as I looked at him with a frown on my face.

Male Anime Characters X Male Reader | Part 1Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant