Chapter 15

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Monica's POV

Its been three weeks, I feel so nervous but I have to check and see if I'm pregnant.

I'm driving to the store alone because Justin had to be at work today.

I got out once I parked and walked in CVS.

I walked to the isle with the pregnancy tests.

looking through all of the brands,wow their are so many I just need a couple.

I chose one of each taking home 14 different pregnancy tests to make sure.

I got home and opened the door.

I walked up to the bathroom and used EVERY SINGLE pregnancy test.

I looked at them overwhelmed because some had lines and some had colors and some had both.

Ok so I read The boxes and they all say that I'm pregnant.

I always wanted kids and I finally do... even if I was forced to by law.

I walked back down into the kitchen to make lunch.

I made tater tot casserole; it sounds gross but its not.

I also made some salad but this salad is anything but healthy.

I made some apple pie because Justin loves apple pie.

Right when I finished setting the table Justin walked in looking exhausted.

He walked over and kissed me "hey baby" "hey Jay, I have to show you something."

all of the exhaustion left his tired body and instead he looked excited.

"what is it" he said jumping up and down. he was practically five again.

Go to the bathroom and tell me what you see.

he looked at me like I had two heads

"why is it in the bathroom?"

"just go look"

I gave him a push"

he ran up and seconds later I heard his footsteps running down the stairs then strong arms wrapping around me.

"baby thank you for being mine, for caring about me"he rested his hands on my flat stomach, "and for giving me a baby" he added.

he had tears in his eyes and they didn't fall until he kissed me.

I wiped his tears playfully telling him he's a baby, just trying to stop his crying. happy tears or not I hate to see him cry.

"I made lunch"

he looked at the table then me, then at the table and back at me.

"another reason I love you is because you feed me" he picked me up and sat me on my chair then sat in his own.

Living The BDSM LifeOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora