Chapter 40

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I'm pacing around the room as I wait for Monica to get here.
The image of her small frame with the little baby bump hits me and reminds me of her when she was pregnant with the twins but this time it's not mine.
I feel the pain in my chest causing me to stop pacing and I just sit still.
I hear a knock on the door and I get still deciding if I should answer it or not before walking over and opening the door.

I see Monica's long hair and then I see her swollen face that shows that she has been crying.

"Oh baby girl." I mumble wrapping my arms around her as she cries and holds onto me.

"He told me to leave." She whimpers through the tears.

"It's gonna be okay because we are gonna make it through this." I mumble into her ear as she lets go and grabs her bag and walks in.

"I don't know what I'm gonna do." Monica says.

"First how about we just talk about these last few months then figure out where to go from there?" I suggest looking at her.

"Okay." Monica says wiping her face and sitting on the bed.


I explain to Justin how I felt trapped after mom forcing me to have a submissive, then he showing back up, and then us having the twins. I tell him how I wanted to make a decision in my life without someone telling me to do. Then I tell him about the baby and how wrong it felt not being his.
I look at him once I'm done and all he does is wrap his arms around me.

"Don't leave me ever again." He mumbles.

"I won't." I say wrapping my arms around him.

We sit there in each others arms for a while before he tells me how the kids are and how much they've grown.
I smile look at him and realize how much he has changed and how much stronger he has gotten since I've left.

"Monica come home with me." He says his eyes searching mine.

"Okay Justin I'll come home." I say.

We sit and talk for hours catching up with one another before stopping to get some room service and then we continue. It slowly begins to get late and I yawn as the day's events take their toll on me. I look around my bag looking for pajamas before realizing I don't have any and I turn to Justin.

"Could I borrow some clothes to sleep in?" I ask.

"Sure." He says waking over to the drawer and grabbing some grey sweats and a plain white t-shirt.

"Thank you." I say before going to the bathroom and changing.

I walk back out and see Justin crawling into bed and the realization of how much I missed him hits me and I go up to him and crawl in beside him. I feel his arms wrap around my waist.

"We're gonna have to start slow when we get home." He whispers as he slowly begins to fall asleep. I smile as my breathing evens out and I slowly fall into darkness.

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