Chapter Six

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"Okay, but promise me that you'll stay alive," Jack said sadly, "I like you, and you should know that."

"I know, Jack, but you know how much I want to hurt him," I kissed his cheek,"I'll keep in contact with you, Okay?"

"Yeah,"He looked into my eyes, I din't want to hurt him, but I have to do this.

        I hugged him and purred a little bit.

"Well, I guess I'll get my stuff ready, you know my number, I'll try to get it if I can," I broke the hug,"I wanna get out of this territory but nightfall."

"Yeah, I guess I have to clean up too," He sighed,"The party was a mess."

"If you want to, I can help you cleaning up," I insisted.

"No, I can do it, like you said, you wanted to get out of this territory by nightfall," He whimpered.

        I sighed and went to his room to get my stuff. I saw him grabbing the cleaning supplies and cleaned the kitchen. I opened the door and left, leaving my whole life behind.

        I looked around to see if there were anyone, clear, I shifted into a eagle and grabbed my cloths and stuff with my talons and lifted off, to see where the future will take me.


        After what seemed like hours, I left that place. I wonder what Jack is thinking though, I hope he's no mad at me for leaving.

        After a few hourse of flying, I saw a abandoned house, it looks small, so that should do to crash at for a few days. I flew down from the sky and put down my bags. I shifted back into human, I grabbed my stuff and quietly entered the home, no one in sight yet. I tiptoed around the whole house and saw no signs of life, only spiderwebs and broken down furniture, walls, and floors.

        I placed my bags down on a faded blue couch. I wondered some more to see if I missed anything. I found a bedroom with faded baby blue curtains, a blue rug, and the bed had again baby blue bed sheets.

'Who ever lived here must like blue,' I mumbled to Bubbles.

'Yeah, and I can see like they didn't leave in a hurry, I spotted blood on the couch we were on,' She meowed, 'So I think that they were invaded or something like that.'

        I looked around to see or smell any blood, I caught a trace of it and followed it. It led me to what must be the kitchen, I slowly opened the door and what I saw was... just... something... just... wrong. There were body parts of animals and humans scattered around the kitchen floor, tables, sinks, and even some hanging on the ceiling fan, and what was weird was that there was barley no blood, I'm guessing that vampires invaded this place.

'Eww, I'm not sure is we should stay here,' Hissed Bubbles, 'What is they come back here?'

'Don't worry, I'll just mask my scent, put the cloths under the bed and hide there until morning,' I assured Bubbles.

'What ever, but if something happens, I'll blame you,' She sneered at me, hoping that nothing bad will happen to us.

        After awhile of of wondering around the house, clashing sounds coming from almost every direction in the house, I started to dose off. I needed some sleep but the loud noises and the fact that there is someone else in here, most likely a group of people, is keeping me awake.

        I decided to shift into Bubbles and crawl back out of the bed, I started to hear people talking, a male and a female, but I couldn't hear what they were saying. I slowly slithered closer to the noises, and what I saw was nothing to fuck with, I saw a vampire, the dude, who has brown hair and eyes, biting the chicks neck, who is a chick who has blue scene like hair and blue clothing, and sucking her blood. I stared blankly and wide eyed until she started to get paler and paler and started to fall, he let her fall to the ground like nothing.

        I started to back away when I bumped into something, well I'm dead. He looked up from the woman he just drank from and looked strait at me, I started to back away and make a mrrroowing sound. I want him to think that I'm a cat, not a shapeshifter. He just looked at me for a second and he used his 'Vampire speed' and grabbed me and started to say some fucked up stuff like he is a fucking cat freak.

"Ohhh, your a pretty kitty, aren't you! Awwwww!" He started to pet me, like, oh my god, I know some vampires like some animal, but not this much.

"What you name? Should I name you..." He started to mumble off as he started to say names like 'Summer' 'Autumn' 'Winter' 'Shadow' and some other stuff, "Ah ah! I'll name you,"

        Befor he could say anything else I clawed his face and jumped out of his grip, and ran back under the bed where my cloths where.

"Oh, kitty, kitty, where'd you go?" The jack ass said in a weird, high pitched voice, getting closer to the bed, "I wanna tell you your new name and where you new home is going to be!"

'Bubbles, should we go out and see what he wants, or shift into the human and let it do what it wants?' I asked Bubbles.

'I wanna see my new name and new home!' She complained.

'Fine, then what about the cloths? We don't want to let Jacks' money go to waist," I nod over to the bags of cloths.

'Fine, lets just show him the cloths and shift back into the human,' She meowed.

        I started to yowl under the bed and his face popped from the side of the bed.

"There you are!" He gently grabbed my scruff, then he saw the bags of cloths,"Oh, what are these?"

        He layed me on the bed and I sat down, he grabbed the bags and went threw them.

"Um, what are these doing here?" He asked himself, "Kitty, do you know how these belong to?"

        I am done playing the games now, I shifted back into my human form and he gasped.

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