Chapter Thirteen

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      I wake up in a jolt, my heart beat racing. What the hell was I dreaming about? I ask myself. I quickly look around the room I was in. It's the same hotel room I stayed in with Shane. I woke up from a nightmare, the last time I had a nightmare was when my parents died, when I was ten. I sigh, what the hell is going on with me? I've never had a nightmare since that happened. Swinging my legs over the bed, I let my toes curl up in the carpet.

        I look around the room, there was no signs that Shane was here, his scent was faint and the bed looked like he never went on it. I touch my arm, then I grab some of my hair, it feels greedy, Eww, when was the last time I took a shower? I stand up from the bed, I slowly walk over to the bathroom door and slowly open it, Why the fuck am I being so paranoid? Not giving another though, I flick on the lights to see a tan and brown themed bathroom, a bathtub at the far right corner of the room, the toilet at the left of me, and the sink and a big mirror a few feet away from the bathtub. The room's so big, some one could throw a slumber party in here and still have enough room to have a fucking party without stepping on the sleeping bags.

       I look around the room to see that there are towels, but no fucking poofs! I scowl. Fuck, I guess I'll have to go commando on this then. I stop and think a little more, Well, I think I could turn into Bubbles, I haven't talked to her for awhile. Maybe while I'm her, I could run out of this building and find a stream or pond or something to take a dive in.

'Bubbles, are we going to have to keep a love hate relationship status until the day we die, or can we just love each other like that cajoined twins we praticly are?' I ask to Bubbles.

'Look,' Bubbles says softly, 'I-I don't know what's wrong, but,' She sighs, 'Jasons wolf and I have been talking together, that's how I knew that he was mated to someone else. I'm sorry that I didn't tell you sooner, but I started to feel a pull towards him, Spencer, Jason's wolf.'

         I don't talk for a minute, 'So, what you're tell me, is that you've got a crush on this 'Spencer' mutt, and he's Jason's wolf?' I try my best not to snarl at her, 'So, what's the condition of the pack, is it suffering or is it the way we left it?' I growl lowly.

'Two she-wolves have died from trying to attack the Luna, they were both Stacie's friends, and their wolves have driven them to do it,' Bubbles slow tells me, 'You know when a she-wolf that has been marked Luna when they're not the true Luna, other she-wolves will push their humans to try and take the Alpha Female position to make sure their offspring will be taken care for them.'

'That is something I did not know,' I smirk, 'Is there anything else about being a Luna, but not the Alphas' mate?'

'Uh, there is a fifty percent chance that the offspring will be human, and a sixty percent chance that the she-wolf will reject the fetus while still in the whomb and have a miscarage,' Bubbles takes a breath, 'That's only is the true Luna is still alive somewhere and haven't meet her mate, and the chances grow higher by twenty percent if the Alpha and his mate have met and they both reject each other.'

'That sounds scary,' I mummble, 'Who wants a wolf to be a human, and who wants a miscarriage?' Wow, for someone that's not a whore, that might be scary.

       I jumped when I snapped back into reality when someone touched my shoulder, I looked over and saw those brown eyes of Shane, "What the hell is wrong with you!" I sanp at him, "When my eyes are covered by a pale white, that means I'm talking to my fucking cat! Don't do that again!"

"Sorry, sorry!" Shane places his hands in the air, "I just wanted to talk for you for awhile!"

     I just snarl at him, "Fine," I snap, "Talk!"

"Well, when I was out, uh, hunting, I realized that we are in a no-mans land," He tells me, and when he meant hunting I knew what he meant by that faint smell of blood, "And that Tate has gotten some guards to take you back."

"And you know this because," I lowly growl at him.

"One of the guards told me," Shane rushed out, "He told me because he's against Tate and his way of finding a Queen and the way he rules the kingdom."

"What the hell happened Tate that made him this way!" I growled, mostly to myself, but I didn't care that I was talking to myself or that he responded.

"I can tell you the whole story or the short version." Shane says quickly.

"Short version now, whole story later!" I snapped at him.

"When he was a human he was abused by his parents," He pauses, "The only reason he is the king is because the former king felt pity on him and made him the next in line."

       I stare at him for a second, "And what decade was that in? Because at one point it was accepted to beat the shit out of your child."

"Uh, I think it was like in the fourteen hundreds?" He scratches the back of his head, "I first met him in the sixteen hundreds so he's older than me by about two hundred years."

"Yeah, yeah, that's great but I need to take a mother fucking shower, I haven't showered in weeks and I feel dirty!" I growled and walked into the bathroom, locking myself in it.

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