14. Amazing

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JiaYi POV:

Dinner was amazing! I finally feel like I'm complete. I'm so happy to be with everyone here. I loved how my parents were interacting with each other. They look so happy.

Now we're in the living room, mostly everyone is talking to each other. I'm overwhelm with joyness. But I see my mama and appa still in the kitchen... I excuse myself from Jasper, Mina, and the hot men in my house. I am slowly walking in the hallway and I hear my mom crying... I peek in the kitchen to see what's going on...

"Seunghyun... I'm sorry... I'm so sorry. I shouldn't never left... I just wanted to prove people that I didn't marry you for your money nor success... I built myself on my own... Work so hard to get this far. Being able to finally be up to your level." my mama says...

My mom wanted to prove to everyone for my dad...? I felt my tears flowing down my cheeks. She didn't have to... My appa already knows that she loves him... She didn't have to prove to him... nor anyone.

My father signs... He walks closer to my mom where she's holding herself so tight and sobbing... He gently tilts my mama head up and kisses her forehead, and then hugs her tight.

"It's okay. I knew why you left... I wanted to stop you, but you're so stubborn. It's okay. Like I told you before you left. I will be here when you're done. Always. I love you so much." my appa said while stroking my mama hair.

I see how gentle my father being towards my mom. I see tears flowing down my appa cheeks. My appa is truly amazing.

"S-sseunghyun, I love you so much. I promise to never leave your side ever again." my mama told my appa...

"Welcome home love." my appa relpy and kisses my mama.....

At this point I sit down the floor... Crying. All these years I thought she cared about her career more than my father, my brother & I... Turns out she was doing it for him all this time... No wonder he never dated anyone. He was waiting for my mom... We can finally be together as family? Can I change my last name to my appa finally?

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