3. Afterschool

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The bell finally rings! Yes!
Before I can pack my things, Jimin got up and walked out so quick... The hell was that for??
Before I can walk out, I hear Mr.Kwon clear his throat. Aaaiiisshhhhh. I quickly put my books in my bag and went to Mr.Kwon.
He looks so annoy...

Here goes my scowling

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Here goes my scowling...
"Miss Kim JiaYi. What is your excuse for being late in my class?" He glares at me... and continues... "You know if you cannot be responsible for being on time, how do you think you'll be able to make it in college when you can't make to class on time. That's being irresponsible Miss Kim."
That's it I wanted to punch his face.
Keep calm JiaYi~ breathe in, breathe out~
"This is my first time being late Mr.Kwon.
I'm so sorry it won't happen again." I did a 90 degree bow... ah my back hurts, I should just went for the punch. Hehe
"It better be your last. Miss Kim. Let your father know that'll be over at his house at 8pm for dinner. You may leave."
"I'm sorry.." I whisper.. and walked out.
Yeah... I forgot to mention that my hot teacher is my father best friend... and also Park Jimin father Taeyang best friend. that's how I know Jimin. Jimin and I basically grew up together before we became revivals in high school. Mr.Kwon is my father best friend and Jimin father too. Mr.Kwon full name is Kwon JiYong. He's also known as GDragon. His stage name. I honestly still don't get why he's a teacher though... he's so rich. My father is Choi Seung-hyun. Also known as T.O.P. Yeah... my father's is also famous. He's a rapper from Big Bang. Why do we have different last name? My mom ended up putting her last name. She wanted to know I was her only female daughtern heir. Not like i had a choice. Honestly.. My mom and appa aren't even divorce... My appa said there is no need... I wonder why....??

^ that's my father

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^ that's my father. Yup.. Jimin father is Dong Young-bae also known as Taeyang. He's also a member of Big Bang. Mr.Taeyang is Park Jmin step-father... His father died before he was even born.. Jimin Mom was 7 months pregnant when Jimin father died in a car crash... Then Mr.Taeyang married Jimin Mom when Jimin was 2 years olds. Ever since then, Mr.Pop-star Taeyang raised him like his own son and treats him likes a son. Their bond are so strong. I know all of this because before Jimin and I became revivals, he was my best friend... and told me everything until he hit puberty and distant himself from me, until junior year we started talking again but it was mostly calling each other names and seeing who got the highest grades. Or who was the top student from the whole school.
Freshman year - stupid Park Jimin was number one. I came second.
Sophomore year - asshole Park Jimin was number one again! I came in second once again...
Junior year - hehe I CAME FIRST PLACE BEACHES~ Park Chimchim came in second! Haha loser~
Senior year- not announced until next month on December ~

Junior year - hehe I CAME FIRST PLACE BEACHES~ Park Chimchim came in second! Haha loser~Senior year- not announced until next month on December ~

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^ Btw.. that Jimin Stepdad ~


As I walk towards the school exit, I hear someone yell my name. It's so familiar....
I turned around and it's Jungkook ~ Such a cute darling... hehe
I wave at him and smile. I step outside the school to wait for him. He reaches out for a hug and I blushed.. ah this is embarrassing. I'm blushing again.
"Hey JiaYi, need a ride home?" He asks me looking down at his shoes. Aww adorable.
"Aw how sweet! I would like-" before I can finished my sentence, I get caught off by ChimChim. Aaaaiiiissshhh! Idiot! How I want to throw him across the country!!!
"JIA. What took you so long! I was waiting for you! you peasant! Do you not realize that we have to get ready for dinner!!!??? Big Bang are coming over to your house in 4 hours! You take like 10000 years to get ready!! Let's goooooooo!!!" He grabs my wrist until he notice Jungkook.
"Oh... JUNGKOOKIEE~" he immediately lets go of me and squeezes Jungkook, and Jungkook spins Jimin around. I'm so freaking confuse. Huh? They know each other??
"Hey bro, you looking sexy like always~" Jungkook winking at him and then continue talking to Jimin, and I'm just standing there. Great.
"Wait, JiaYi father is T.O.P?? That's dope!" Jungkook looks at me with excitement. Then Jungkook asks Chimchim "oh is JiaYi your girlfriend? You looked like her angry boyfriend." Then nervously laughs.
Chimchim and I starred at each other with disgust look, and both said at the same time "HELL NO" Chimchim continues with "Jia is pretty ugly~ I'll never date her~" and looks at me and laughs.
Well ouch.
That's honestly really hurt me...

Jimin POV:
What's taking Jia so long??! What is JiYong scowling Jia so long!!!!! Uuuggghhhhh
A group of girls passes by and all bowed at me and blush and started to take pictures of me...
Just f**king great. I look down to text Jia until one of the girls approach me and says "OPPAA~~ please be mine~~ oppaaahhh" she wraps her arm around my neck and blushes.
"I'm sorry babe, but I don't do relationships." I manage to push her away.
The other girls are just throwing themselves once again. Annoying ~ I look at group of girls blushes and I was getting angry.. "Why are you still here. Go away!" Then I see JiaYi standing outside. Damn finally!!! That took way too long.  As I'm walking towards her I see my brother from another mother (Kookie) hugging JiaYi.
I'm so pissed. I shouldn't be. But I am. She's blushing. What an idiot. I hear Jungkook offering Jia a ride home, before she can accept, I make pretend that I don't notice him and grab JiaYi arm and start whining at her about how long she took and she needed to get ready for dinner tonight. Since Big Bang are coming over her house. Little did she know that Jungkook was going to be at her house for dinner since Jungkook father was Lee Seung-hyun also know as Seungri and V.I. Yeah he was adopted with another kid. Which is also my brother from another mother ~
When Jungkook asked if I was Jia boyfriend, I wanted to so say yes so badly since I wanted him to back the f**k off from Jia. I could see that I hurt her when I said that she was pretty ugly. I just couldn't risk ruin my friendship with her. She's the only girl that doesn't kiss ass to me, nor bother to try to impress me. She's so different.
I smile, and turned my attention to Jungkook "give us a ride home kookie"
Kookie smile and led the way. JiaYi seem bothered... The whole car ride. I feel so bad..
Kookie drop off Jia first and she thank Jungkook for the ride and left without even looking at me...

^ Seungri

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^ Seungri. Jungkook father~

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