9. Welcome back bro.

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JiaYi POV:

"And the winner is AAAPPPPAAAA" Jin says with excitement!

"That's TOP for you" Jasper grins. The hell. He just lost! WHY IN THE WORLD IS HE GRINNING?!

AAAIIISSSHHHH! Of course Jasper lost! Idiot! He never learns.

My appa is jumping up and down on the kitchen counter.

"Yah appa, get down!" I glare at him.

"At least you get to see how beautiful and shape my ass looks" Jasper winks at me.

"No thanks."  What an idiot.  I hear the bell ring. My heart is beating fast.

"I'll get it" I say running towards the door. Is it my mama? Is she finally here?

I open the door...

Jimin POV:

JiaYi opened the door... She looks drop dead gorgeous. I love how that white dress looks on her. Her beautiful pale skin, so smooth and silky. How I wish I can touch her... feel her... hold her...

"Hi peasant" I say with a huge grin.

"Be nice Jimin" My appa says. Whatever.

"Hi Mr.Dong" Jia bows and then looks at me and glares at me.

"Please JiaYi, I known you for a long time. Call me Youngbae like you always do." and hugs Jia.

I see Jia blush. Ew gross. I mean my father is sexy like me after all. heh

As JiaYi welcome us at her house, she looks disappointed.  I feel bad. I pull her aside and ask her "Jia, what's wrong peasant? Do you hate me that bad to see me here?"

She scoff and says "No chimchim, I wasn't expecting you until 8pm along with the rest  of the Big Bang members... Stop calling me peasant you red balloon head" and hits my head. Yup, that's her alright. She give me a half smile but still looks disappointed.

"Jia, ya with all seriousness, please what's wrong?" I say worried.

Jia looks at me and hesitate but then she sighs.. She looks at me with watery eyes... She's so cute. Jimin please snap out of it. Jia is about to cry.

I grab her arm and pushed her towards me and hug her. She smells so good. Her hair is so soft. She starts to cry. She's trying to control herself.. I can tell that she's fighting the tears. "Jia, please tell what's wrong. It hurts me to see you like that"

"My mama, Jin said she was coming.. It's already 18:30 (6:30.p.m.) I doubt she'll come by... It has been 6 years since she left me.." Jia says trying to control herself from crying even more.

Her eomma(mom)? She's coming? What the... I don't know what to say. I'm in shock...

"I'm sorry... Maybe she's coming later. It's still early." That's all I can say.

"You're right idiot." she lets go of me. Please... don't...

She smiles at me. Her eyes are still fill of sadness..."Thanks chimchim for the hug. I needed it."

"No problem. Don't ever cry again ok? You look ugly when you cry." And start laughing.

"YOU IDIOT YAAAHH" Jia said while chasing me to the kitchen and freeze when I see Jasper...

He's actually back.


"Jasper are you really leaving?" I ask Jasper in disbelief . Why does he need to leave? He's my childhood friend. My best friend.

"Yes Chimchim. You know acting and modeling always been my dream, just like you love to sing and dance." He pats my head and continues "Aren't you happy for me?"

"Yes, of course I am, but why do you have to leave now?" I ask in sadness

"It's now or never Chim. I'll miss you of course. You always defended me when I was the new kid at school. You and JiaYi . I really appreciate you. You always got yourself beaten up in middle school so the bullies wouldn't hurt me.... Thank you. But then out of nowhere my senior year of senior year, a lot of girls were all over me. Heh, strange. Plus you having your bros. Hahah, BTS right? Don't worry, I'll video call you and text  you." He winks. Bruh

"I know you got popular because you hit puberty. Heh. They're your bros too...What about JiaYi? Have you told her that you're leaving tomorrow morning?" i ask

"I know they are. I'm going to miss them too. Jia was the first person to know that I was leaving. She encourage me to follow my dreams. Of course that she is sad but she's really excited to hear my adventures. She said "Let your dreams turn into reality. Don't stop, no matter how hard it gets. The good things in life are hard, but it's all worth it at end." and I agreed with her. So I decide to go." Jasper said then smile

"That's what Jia said? Of course she did. She's pretty, smart, wise... She's basically perfect." I blush thinking about JiaYi. I love her since forever.

Jasper raise his eyebrow, and laughs.

"What are you laughing at asshole?!" The fuck is wrong with him.

He starts to laugh harder. "You love her too, right?"

I feel my cheeks heating up. "What do you mean?" Of course I love her you dumb shit.

"I'm in love with JiaYi too." Jaspers chuckles and continue "When I'm back, and you're not with her by that time, she's mine."

Fuck him. I love Kim JiaYi. He's crazy if he thinks he's having her.
"Do you feel better that I'm leaving now?" Jaspers asks.
"A little bit. Kim JiaYi is mine." I love her... I don't blame Jasper for loving her... she's perfect.
"I guess we will have to wait and see. Until then, I will miss you Park Jimin."
Back to the Present:
Jasper is walking toward me. He hugs me. I'm caught of guard.
"I've missed you bro." And let's go and smiles at me.
"I've missed you too." Kinda I say.
"I heard that you became a fuckboy. Heh." He grins at me. Then I watch him as he sips his wine. He looks so different. Much better. He got hotter. No way. I'm the sexy one here. He's carefully watching my expression. "So how many have you hit off with?" He winks
"Can't say. How about you Ryu?" I hit him back with the questions since he got caught having sex with his ex manager.
"Ah, don't believe everything you read Chim." He says as he walking towards me. And stops. He's too close to me. He leads towards my ear and whispers "I saw the way JiaYi lead on you. I saw the way you hugged her. You still love her. You didn't make your move when I was gone. What a shame bro. She's mine now." Then goes back to the counter and drinks the rest of the wine left in his cup.

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