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It was a Friday night, meaning there was no practice until Monday. The eight were in the living room. Jungkook ordered yakitori and soba for the group, each chowing down on it now. 

The setting was great, sharing stories to the group. More like reminiscing for the other's when the past Yoongi chimed in.

"Oh! Remember how fun the Bangtan Bombs were?" Hoseok laughed. He noticed the younger Yoongi wasn't eating as much. He grabbed the bowl of noodles, the one that the latter was eyeing for a while. There wasn't much left so he saw him pout when he reached for it. 

Hoseok smiled at how cute the Yoongi was. He placed the noodles onto his plate, laughing again when Yoongi's mouth parted slightly in shock. "You're welcome," He laughed again." Yoongi gave a small smile in appreciation and dug in. 

"Yeah, they were so carefree back then." Taehyung nodded, remembering all the times he danced with Jiminie, and the skits he would do with Hoseok Hyung and Jungkook. 

"I still can't believe you recorded me sleeping," Namjoon huffed, playing glaring at the boy across from him. Jimin raised his hands in defense. "At least it was blurred a bit!"

"Hey Joonie," Jin called, grabbing both Namjoon and Jimin's attention. "At least you didn't show your penis on camera." Jimin's eyes widened!

"We do not speak of that Hyung!"

The younger Yoongi choked on his soda. "I'm sorry, what?" He coughed out. His older self patted his back to help him out. "Jiminie was in a robe and did a little flip on a bed. His.. thing appeared and they had to censor it."

Twenty-thirteen Yoongi shivered, "at least I wasn't there." 

"You know what you were there for?" Jungkook pulled out his phone, going to Youtube. He searched up a playlist of their twenty-thirteen to twenty-fourteen moments. "This punishment." 

He gave his phone to Yoongi, which had a video ready to play. "What is it?" Yoongi asked, going to press the play button. The others tried to huddle in so they could watch the video as well. "Just watch and you'll find out."

He pressed play. He immediately cringed when he saw himself, Jimin, Hoseok, and Jungkook on screen. "What the fuck?" The other's laughed and shushed him, wanting to watch the video themselves.

He looked at the title and groaned. "What the hell am I doing? This is so embarrassing." The only thing that got him though were the other three members. That was somewhat close to how they looked during his time. 

"That's almost one year after our debut." Namjoon noted. For some reason, it gave Yoongi a small pang in his chest. No way would I miss those idiots. I don't even like them.

He wanted to throw the phone back at the youngest member but decided against it. That phone was probably more expensive than his life.  "I think that video shows that you're happy when you loosen up." 

The past Yoongi furrowed his eyebrows. "What do you mean by that." Hoseok cleared his throat. "Well.. You always tend to be more uptight. It's fun to joke around and act stupid, but you don't do it often. I think you should."

"That seems way far out of my comfort-zone." Yoongi shook his head. His older counterpart laughed. "It is, and it's hard at first. But I'm a lot more relaxed than you are right now. It's definitely nicer not to feel so tense all the time." 

He looked at the other's and they nodded in agreement. "You don't have to act like a fool like Jimin and Hobi do," Yoongi snickered at those two complaining, "but it's nice not having to care so much on what others think."

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