Hiccup thought about the time he saw the Night Fury in the woods.

Although it was a week ago, Hiccup still remembered the dark beast roaming in the clearing, getting closer and closer to him.

With its emerald green reptilian eyes, sleek black scales, and a mighty roar, the Night Fury stood out from other species.

He remembered his legs were trembling, his heart racing when the beast sniffed his scent.

If that Deadly Nadder hadn't come, perhaps that Night Fury would have found him. Then it would probably tear him limb to limb.

"I saw one with my own eyes," Hiccup declared confidently, "And with this device, I can shoot it. You'll see,"

Snotlout snorted in disbelief. "Yeah, sure. The worse Viking ever shoots down an imaginary dragon,"

The twins sniggered under their breaths.

Hiccup sag his shoulders, scowling at the floor. He tightened his fists, holding all the anger and frustration inside him.

All his life, people have ridiculed him for his size. And the fact his intervention in the raids costed their lives. But he was willing to do anything to help out, and just belong in his tribe.

They underestimated him as somebody who wasn't capable to kill dragons.

They mock his attempts to hunt dragons, laugh at his failures, and greet him every morning with stone-cold glares.

Everything they did- their abuses, mockery, glares- left Hiccup with a sunken spirit. They left him bleeding on the inside, crushing his dreams, ambitions and hopes.

Once he kills that Night Fury, maybe all the ridicules and mockery will finally end.

Sighing, Hiccup relaxed his fists. He bravely faced his tormentors.

"Useless, nobody has seen a Night Fury," Snotlout scoffed, "because it's just some make-belief tale. So you're going to humiliate yourself. Wow, that's something you're good at, right?"
Hiccup heaved out a sigh.

"That's because it blends in the darkness," he shot back, "but I am going to be the first to shoot it down. You'll see, Snotlout,"

The three tormentors held back their laughter.

"Whatever, Useless," Snotlout began to walk away. "Just make sure you won't disappoint your dad again. I don't know how he can put up with an embarrassment like you. But I am so glad I've never made my dad mad,"

Something stirred inside Hiccup's heart. Something he's never felt before until now. Something...

Hiccup leaned over the window sill, and shouted,

"Oh please, Snotlout! My dad has always been mad at me since the day I was born!"

Courage was something he's never felt before towards Snotlout and his tormentors.

Whenever his tormentors verbally attacked him, Hiccup would remain silent, accepting every insult fired his way. He was vulnerable and couldn't muster the courage or strength to fight back.

But after years of torture, Hiccup has had enough. He wasn't scared of his tormentors. He couldn't let them keep trampling over him like he's completely nothing. He hated being a victim to their constant torments.

Now was the time to fight back, and move on with his ambition of shooting down that dragon to change his miserable life.

Once the tormentors left, Hiccup breathed a sigh of relief.

Heir Of Berk | A HOW TO TRAIN YOUR DRAGON FANFICTION |Where stories live. Discover now