"Be brave." Your uncle added lightly squeezing your shoulder.

You gulped at your uncle's words. He was right, you needed to be brave. You couldn't hide it from everyone forever. Taking a deep breath you hesitantly nodded, slowly following behind your uncle.

Once reaching Hiashi and Neji you greeted both of them before your uncle began explaining what he wanted Hiashi to do.

"Okay...So after you put her necklace on you want me to activate my byakugan and observe what happens with her chakra when you start commanding her to do things?" Hiashi asked seeming a bit unsure of the strange request.

"Right." Your uncle smiled as you nodded in agreement with him. You hadn't said much so far. You had just been staring off into space trying to distract yourself as your uncle explained what you would be doing. Removing your eyes from the grass you had been vacantly watching you looked up at Neji who had silently been observing you.

Neji's P.O.V.

'Something's off with (YN). She's hardly said anything this whole time which is really unusual for her.' I thought observing the (HC) haired girl as she looked away from me and to her uncle who was asking for her necklace.

'What's the deal with that thing.' I frowned watching as (YN) handed her necklace over to her uncle. He took the necklace from her and put it on before directing her over to a spot that was about ten feet away from him.

"Alright (YN) I want you to go over there, okay?" Gyo said and (YN) nodded before walking over to the place he had directed her to stand.

"Hey Neji, since you decided to come along with Hiashi would you mind doing something for me?" Gyo asked turning towards me.

"What is it?" I asked moving my eyes from (YN)'s form and up to her uncle.

"This might seem like an odd request, but could you go over there and spar with (YN) for me?"

My eyes narrowed slightly at his unusual request as I tried to understand the reasoning behind it. Unable to come to a solid conclusion on it I finally relented with a sigh.

"I don't see the point but I'll do it...I would like an explanation for it though."

"It's a bit hard to explain now but while you're sparring I'm sure you'll catch onto it." (YN)'s uncle said with a grin.

I gave him a skeptical look before making my way over to (YN) who had silently been watching. I nodded in greeting as she gave me a halfhearted wave.

"So I guess we finally get to spar together again." (YN) said looking up at me.

"It would seem so." I said glancing towards (YN)'s uncle as he shouted for us to begin our fight. As soon as his words left his lips (YN) lunged towards me as if possessed by some unseen force.

Confused I swiftly dodged preparing to hit her in the side with my hand. As I brought my arm down on her side I heard (YN)'s uncle shout out to her at the last second.

"Block him with your left arm!" He shouted and (YN) immediately did what he said without hesitation.

Utterly confused by how quickly she had blocked my arm I barely noticed as her uncle shouted out another command.

"Right kick to his side!" He shouted and (YN) immediately swung her right leg towards me.

Growing even more confused I caught her leg mid kick as her uncle shouted another command.

"Quick! Use your Fireball jutsu!"

(YN) immediately began weaving hand signs at his words at a much faster rate than I had ever seen her do before.

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