Bad Situations

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Yall gone hate me for what's going to happen in this chapter. SO SORRY IN ADVANCE. 😘

3 months later

Shawn POV

I haven't seen Ryan in 3 months and she hasn't called either which is weird considering a week after her party she would call everyday so I decided to go over to her house and check and make sure everything is okay.

Ryan POV

My mom went to the store today and I had to stay with her boyfriend his name is Jason. He took my phone and my watch that Mr. Carter gave me. Sometimes when my mom goes to work he makes me do things I don't want to. I don't tell my mom because he told me not to. Right now I'm in my room pretending to be sleep so he won't bother me.

Come here I know you ain't sleep, Jason said coming in my room for 4th time today. Please leave me alone I just want to go back to sleep, I said which only made him angry.

He closed the door and locked it then he got on top of me. I screamed for help and he slapped me and told me to shut up and kept doing what he was doing.

Shawn POV

I don't know if anyone is home, I said to Nicki while pulling into Beyoncé's house. Well just knock and see she probably just let someone use her car, Nicki said getting out of the car. Fine I said and knocked on the door.

The door was unlocked and all I could hear was screaming. Nicki call TyTy and  tell him to get here NOW, I said walking up the stairs.  The screaming was coming from Ryan's room. I opened the door only to find some nigga raping her I don't know what happened after I just know I saw red and beat the fuck out of him. Shawn he said he on his w- RYAN,
Nicki said coming in the room grabbing Ryan and taking her to get cleaned up.

Beyoncé POV

I pulled into my driveway and noticed Ryan's social workers car I immediately got out and ran into the house to see Ryan crying with bruises on her and Nicki holding her. WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED I yelled at all of the commotion going on. Well your boyfriend decided that he wanted to rape your five year old Nicki said while trying to calm Ryan down. Where is he now I said with tears in my eyes. Probably dead by now he's upstairs with Shawn in Ryan's room Nicki said.

I went upstairs only to see Mr. Carter beating the hell out of Jason. Jason's face was covered in blood. I tried to pull him off but it wasn't working. TyTy came in and started talking to him trying to get him to stop and once he did he looked at me and walked out of the room.

Shawn POV

I walked out of the room and took Ryan from Nicki and took her the the car. Where are you taking my child, Beyoncé said opening the car door.

Man I'm taking her to the hospital since her mother thought it was a good idea to leave her home with a dude she barely knew, I said as Nicki got in the car. After Nicki got in I took Ryan to the nearest hospital on the way there I noticed a lot of shit missing including her diamond necklace with her birthstone in it was gone. I called TyTy and asked him to look for it in her room.

Me and Nicki were waiting for doctor when Beyoncé came running down the hall towards us. Where is my baby, Beyoncé said. Can you please shut the fuck up it's your fault she's in here what kind of mother allows your child to stay in a house with a pedophile, I said looking at her. Shawn that's to far she didn't know Nicki said.


Dammit Shawn why would you do that she said she didn't kn- Nicki said but got cut off by the doctor

"Family of Ryan Knowles"

Everyone stood up. Well Ryan is fine she's just not speaking to anyone we had to switch doctors for her also. One our male doctors went in and she had a total meltdown one of our nurses was able to calm her down so that we could get her checked you may see her now room 244, the doctor said walking away.

Nicki POV

We went into Ryan's room and I immediately was ready to go. Ryan had bruises everywhere and if you ask me Jay is being very nice because according to protocol he is supposed to report this take her back in again.

Hey RyRy it's auntie Nicki, I said slowly reaching out for her. I w-want my m-m-mommy, Ryan cried and it absolutely broke my heart.

Listen yeah I stood up for you but you listen to me and listen real good. We love that child as if she was our own and you best believe me when I say your little boyfriend is as good as dead so I hope you said your goodbyes, I told Beyoncé while leaving the room.

Beyoncé POV

Ryan baby it's mommy you want to tell me what happened, I asked. I want to go back home Ryan said wiping the tears from her eyes. You have to stay a little while longer then you can go, I said walking closer to the bed. No I mean home at the old house and if you say no then let me stay with Mr. Carter, she said angrily. I'll do the best I can. After I left I told Mr. Carter he could go in.

Shawn POV

I walked back in Ryan's room and for the first time today she sitting up looking at me instead of the wall.

Hey RyRy how you feeling? I asked. I'm fine, she mumbled softly.  Well can you tell me something? I asked trying to get her to talk to me.

What? She asked looking at me. I was wondering what happened to your stuff? Especially the watch you told me you'd never take it off. I didn't he took it and sold it, She said with tears in her eyes. It's OK I'll get you another one but better, I said looking at her smile for the first time today. Thank you Mr. Carter, Ryan said. After I left I saw Beyoncé just staring at me.

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