Chapter 13

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The car ride home was interesting to say the least. Janice seemed more happy. Music was playing from the radio and Janice had this glint in her eyes of happiness.

Over all, she wasn't acting normal in the slightest.

We arrived in the driveway and parked. But she didn't make any move to get out.
She just say there.
She finally spoke, "So...I have some exciting news! She rubbed her hands together in excitement.

I just looked at her.

The last time she had some exciting 'news' it was only that she had a new boyfriend.

He didn't even last a week.

"I met a guy!" She said excitingly. "And I feel really good about this one! He's gonna be a keeper and i know it!" Her smile screamed happiness. I haven't seen her smile this wide in a long time. "Im happy for you." I told her, the exact words I tell her everytime she meets a new guy.

However, I wasn't aware that this guy would change everything, and I wasn't aware how bad of a secret I would have to hide because of him.

I wasn't aware that he would destroy me and my life.


As I made dinner as I do every night, I made more than usual. Moms new boyfriend was coming over for dinner. Ive never seen her this excited in my life. She was running around the house making sure everything was clean and that she herself looked good. 

Maybe this guy is gonna be the one to get mom back on her feet again. Maybe she will be happy again.


As I sat at the dinning table eating my meal, Mom and her new boyfriend were talking and laughing away. The man's name was Micheal Smitten. Him and mom where getting off great, he would even try including me in the conversation once and awhile, he would ask me about my life and about school, most of the other guys wouldn't even look at me let alone talk to me.

Maybe moms right, maybe he is the one.


Everyday after school, he would be at the house. Not that I minded, he was making mom happy. But I did notice a couple things.

He's very...touchy.

If were all sitting on the couch and if hes laughing at something of something happened, he would lean into me or mom. Maybe im being paranoid but it seems like he does it to mostly me. Most of the time he helps me make dinner if he decides to stay for dinner. I didn't mind it at first but did notice how he would stand a little close to me, or if he hands me something or reaches something near me, he always makes contact with me.

But some people are just naturally touchy right? Im probably just being paranoid. He's making mom happy, I should be happy.


It was another uneventful day at school, I didn't talk to Mika nor her two friends, at lunch I saw Mika glance at me a few times but that was it. 

I headed home like any other day, except I walked home since mom decided to hang out with Laura for once. Im not sure why. 

I entered the house and went to go to my room but when I passed the living room I noticed a figure sitting on the couch. "Micheal? What are you doing here? Moms not going to be home for hours." Micheal turned and looked at me. A smile was on his face. "Im aware, I told your mother that I would watch the house for her while she was gone." He told me. "Oh...ok, ill be in my room then..." I told him, quickly speed walking upstairs and into my room. 

Why would he watch the house for her? Maybe hes just being nice, stop being paranoid, he's a nice guy.

A knock on my door was what made me snap out of my thoughts and I went to open my door. It was Micheal. "Hello." I said to him. "Hey, sorry to bother you but your mom told me she thinks she left something in your room, she said it was a perfume of some sort. I just figured I would get it for her." He told me. Why would mom leave something like perfume in my room? I ignored the weird feeling stirring in my stomach and just nodded. I turned around and looked around my room. Trying to find some sort of perfume that mom left. 

I spotted a perfume bottle sitting on my dresser. That must be it. I walked towards it, unaware of the door to the room being closed and locked. I went to grab the bottle of perfume until a hand covered my mouth and nose. My hands reached towards the hand covering my mouth and nose and tried to pry it off with my hands. The hand wouldn't budge, it was getting harder to breath as the hand pressed harder against my face, making me unable to breath. 

I tried and tried but the hand wouldn't budge, I could feel tears forming in my eyes and black started to cover my vision. I couldn't breath. I became weaker and weaker until the black covered my vision completely and I passed out.


Im sorry this seems rushed but this is cause of my story line I got going on and this was just  for a starter thing. Also sorry for not updating any stories, ive been busy with my new job and ive also been having crazy bad writers block. 

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