I freeze as two shadows in the door way quickly become two tall men.

My heart drops into my stomach as I freeze, in what seems to be a naked pose on Lix's arm, back against his chest, in between spread legs.

The Immortal King Rey is dressed as expensive as ever, in what appears to be a new black suit with even newer white ruffles at the collar. His fingers gleam with silver rings, his eyes focused with interest on what he has come in to witness.

Zarcar – my dearest Warlord who I missed very much, is with Rey, dressed in dirty travel wear, looking in need of a meal and very much relieved... until he's dropped his bags straight after witnessing the scene Lix has masterfully created.

"She's been well looked after, my King," Lix ignores Zarcar altogether and addresses Rey only.

Rey is silent, his eyes not even focused on me – but on Zarcar as he launches across the room!

"Should I have expected anything less!?" Zarcar's tone drips with the poison of betrayal and jealousy as he reaches out to grab his cousin.

Lix tosses me aside towards the bed and I go scrambling for a sheet, tears in my eyes as I wrap myself up – now noticing Rey's eyes tracking my every move next.

The cousins have grabbed onto each other's uniforms, butting heads, ready to fight.

"You want to know, don't you?" Lixar can't help his grin, "I've been pounding her every day for the past two months – cousin!"

"Zarcar – no!" I yell out as Zarcar almost nearly threatens to shove Lix out the damn window, backing him up into a pot and cracking its side – soil starts to spill, "Lixar is lying to you!" I yell out, furious and distraught at the same time, "Lixar – please tell the truth!"

It's like I don't exist as they seem hell bent on killing one another.

I turn to Rey, who is quietly amused and interested about the occurrence.

But... King.

I could use his authority as a King to stop this!

What I was thinking could be utter insanity but I had no choice!

"Rey!" I call out as I stumble over the bed and fall at his feet, grabbing his black pants, "Please," I put my head to his knees, supplicating myself before I dare look up into the Immortal King's gaze, "Stop them fighting. I beg you."

"Stand up," Rey drawls calmly, as if he is in no hurry to finish their fight. I launch to my feet and lick my dry lips as I hold Rey's silver, black veined eyes. He surprisingly continues, "They're fighting over you, that's what Mystifyer's do, you should be pleased," I am taken back by Rey's words, but I need his help before I can contemplate the loaded meaning in that sentence.

"Lixar found me sick as a dog, and was helping me wash – then he held me against my will – he is causing trouble for no reason –"

Rey's eyes turn to mine, his neck tilting in that way that I think I'm watching it tilt forever – a nightmare walking on two legs.

I go to stumble back, but this time Rey steps back, confusing me so I freeze – before he slides up behind me. Now, he is moving in again, as if to curl around my front – cheek to cheek.

But no, his breath whispers over my neck and I remember him drinking that woman's blood.

I flinch away but he doesn't come any closer, he just gazes at my neck for a moment, at the erratic pulse.

"...but are you going to be truly good for your Immortal King...?" Rey asks, so low, I'm sure only my ears can hear the drawled question.

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