Chapter XVI

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Alexander held Peggy's hand as she was in agony. Her bones ached and creaked whenever she even tried to move. Her limp had gotten worse as she walked, but then again she could no longer walk at all

"Don't worry, Pegs... your sisters are coming soon just stay alive..."

Peggy lost so much weight and she had deep bags under her eyes

I never thought I'd die so young

Is this how I spend my final moments?

Laying in bed

Feeling useless

"Peggy! Oh Peggy..." Eliza came in with tears in her eyes as she examined her younger sister. This wasn't the Peggy she knew

"H-Hello 'Liza." Peggy said weakly

"I came as soon as I heard. Are you alright?" Angelica burst in

"I'm fine. It doesn't matter. I'll be dead soon." Peggy said with evident pessimism

"Don't say that." Eliza scolded her

"Why? Don't dance around it, we know it's happening. There is no avoiding the inevitable." Peggy told her

The trio sat around the sick Schuyler sister, tears threatening to spill from their eyes, for they all knew that Peggy's end was coming

"There's so many things I haven't done... I never finished the biography...John's book...I failed him."

John's legacy sits on my desk

Did I really think I could do this?

I lay in my death bed

Covered in bruises

Though it always been this way

"You didn't fail him, he'd be proud of your effort." Eliza said to make Peggy feel better

"You're not foolish for having a dream, Pegs." Alexander told her

"You're absolutely right. I'm foolish for thinking I could make it a reality." Peggy said

"Well, aren't you a happy little ray of sunshine?" Angelica laughed trying to lighten the mood, but Eliza glared at her

I was foolish

I thought I could do this

There were my sisters



"And Peggy"

"Do you remember the time in the square? Where Aaron Burr tried to ask for your hand in marriage, Angie?" Peggy asked

"Of course I do. I told him he disgusted me and he looked so shocked. I'll never forget the look on his face."

Everyone laughed

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